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咱们让艾伦走路,给安升官。Let's fire Allan and promote Ann.

所以他一直没能升官。So he had got none of any advancement.

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哇,你升官当部门主管啦。Wow, you've been promoted to department head.

阿玉升官后,还得到了一间新的“站长办公室”。In reward for the promotion, Tama got a new "office".

洛克•杜尔德升官发财的美梦破灭了。Lok Durd's lofty dreams of promotion and wealth vanished.

他觉得他没有升官发财的希望。He feels he has no hope of climbing the ladder of success.

祝福大家新的一年升官发财、好运来到!I wish you all the new year promotion fortune, good luck to!

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汤姆坐立难安地等着升官的消息。Tom was on pins and needles waiting for news about the promotion.

在低军衔能让你升官的行为会在新军衔杀死你。What gets you enhanced from one rank gets you killed in the afterward rank.

少数人升官发财与多数人的灾难,形成强烈的对照。Minority career and wealth with the majority of the disaster, in stark contrast.

假如这些人一心想升官发财,是没有人希望他们成功的。If the people aim at obtaining some advantage in rank or fortune, nobody wishes them success.

楼主真是好人啊,主啊,保佑楼主升官发财!财源广进!Louzhu really good ah, the main ah, bless Louzhu career and make a fortune! Making plenty of money!

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起先帮助领导者保持自制的那些特征会在他们升官得权后马上消失。The very traits that helped leaders accumulate control in the first place all but disappear once they rise to power.

本书为官场文学系列之科级干部篇,为升官发财必读书籍之一。This book is a series of official literary papers section-level cadres, one for the career and fortune reading books.

当原来那个县里的人们知道潘升官后,他们为他感到高兴自豪,但是又觉得很遗憾。When the people in his old county heard Pan was being promoted, they were happy for him, and proud, too, but they also felt sorry.

有人说,我考公务员就是为了一份稳定的工作,别无他求,至于升官发财想都没想过。Someone says, I test a civil servant only for a steady job, have no other him to ask, win promotion and get rich and want not to think.

本文对升官图与子弟书这两种满汉双语民间叙事诗的特点和类型进行了分析介绍。The paper analyzed and introduced the characteristics and types of these two kinds of folk narrative poem in Bi-language of Manchu and Chinese.

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升官图为古代博戏之一,其形制乃于纸上备载文武职官名衔,编排成图。The Promotion game was one of ancient Chinese gambling, it put down the government official rank titles on paper, and edited to be a chart board.

或许你无法升官发财,无法因贡献卓著而名留青史,甚至没能达到毕生追求的目标。Probably you can't promote to become rich, can't because of contribute the work but stay history, even canned attain a whole life target for pursue.

人到中年,心态变得相当平和,不再去琢磨升官发财,甚至对新潮思维,创新行径,有一种本能的逃避。Middle-aged people, resulting in a very calm attitude, and not to make a fortune Sato promotion, or even trendy ideas, innovative practices, have an instinct to escape.