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我脸上有种湿漉漉的感觉。A feeling of wet struck on my face.

随后,它顺着湿漉漉的山谷奔跑起来。It began running down the wet valley.

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一根湿漉漉的竹棍就够了。A waterlogged stick will do just fine.

她散乱的头发湿漉漉地沾满雨雪。Her hair was loose, and wet with snow and rain.

她散乱的头发湿漉漉地沾满雨雪。Her hair was loose, and wet with snow and rain.

鲁斯抱着女儿,抚摸着她湿漉漉的前额。Ruth held her close and stroked her wet forehead.

所以,妈妈,放松些,头发湿漉漉的出去也是可以的。So, Mom, relax, it's ok to go outside with wet hair.

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詹姆斯从卧室出来,用毛巾擦着他湿漉漉的头发。James came out of his bedroom, toweling his wet hair.

白花花的草湿漉漉地粘在鞋上。The hay was blonde and damp and clung to their shoes.

涟漪泳动,那是巴河湿漉漉的感恩。Ripples undulating, that's damp thanksgiving of Ba River.

如果她的喷射将你弄得湿漉漉的,给她信心,不能生气。If her eject does you damply, give her hope, cannot get angry.

谁也抓不住这个湿漉漉的球,它滑得像泥鳅。Nobody could catch the wet ball, it was as slippery as an eel.

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刺骨的暴风夹着密集而寒冷的风雪,扫过湿漉漉的街道。A bitter storm of slt, dense and ice- clod , swept the wet streets.

那狗长着疥癣,饥饿不堪,大小跟那团湿漉漉的东西一样。He was mangy and starving and just the size of the lump in question.

她信步而行,享受着湿漉漉的草地触及双脚的感觉。She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet.

我问一个还穿着湿漉漉的潜水服的同事,为什么不接着干。I asked one colleague, dressed in his wet suit, why work had stopped.

所以你现在要告诉我们到底怎么回事,还是我们一起等四个湿漉漉的伴娘出现?So you wanna tell us now, or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids?

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人海中娇颜幽幽浮现,湿漉漉黑枝昙花片片。Apparition of these faces in the crowd. Petals on a wet, black, bough.

他用手抹抹前额,额上满是湿漉漉粘糊糊的汗珠。He passed his hand across his forehead. It was dank with clammy sweat.

他用手抹抹前额,额上满是湿漉漉粘糊糊的汗珠。He passed his hand across his forehead. it was dank with clammy sweat.