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我们希望我们的银行资本金充足。We want our banks to be well-capitalized.

那么,为什么欧洲银行业的资本金会如此单薄?And why are Europe's banks so thinly capitalized?

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这是约30分钟车程,南,从国家资本金,怡保。It is about 30 minutes drive south from the state capital, Ipoh.

特别是,要求他们必须具备充足的资本金的规定。In particular, they need to be required to have adequate capital.

我们需要为零售商资讯连接到资本金的支付模块。We need a payment module for VirtueMart connecting to Capital payment.

朋友尤如资本金,对创业者来说是多多益善。Friends like capital, the more friends are the better the entrepreneur is.

在创办时,它要求成员国认购股份,提供资本金。When it was founded, members were required to subscribe to its capitalization.

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打消这些忧虑的一个简单回答是,中资银行有雄厚的资本金。The easy answer to those concerns is that China's banks are strongly capitalized.

这一潜在的资本金缺口是压低中资银行股价的主要因素。The potential capital shortfall is a major factor pushing down Chinese bank stocks.

政府补充了资本金的银行都被要求公开上市,最好是在海外市场上市。All the recapitalized banks are required to go public, preferably in overseas markets.

当一家机构出现资本金或者流动性问题,监管者将命令其及早采取补救措施。As a firm faced capital or liquidity problems, regulators would order early remediation.

这才是问题.还有一个问题是,若高盛得不到这笔钱,高盛的资本金状况会如何?And then the issue is, well, if that was wiped out what would it do to Goldman's capital?

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国际金融公司的资本金来自于181个成员国,并由成员国决定其各项政策。Its 181 member countries provide its share capital and collectively determine its policies.

然后又有了二级资本金,他们对此有个计算公式,如今,这在法博齐的书中有定义Then there's Tier II capital and then they have a formula -now, this is defined in Fabozzi.

然后又有了二级资本金,他们对此有个计算公式,如今,这在法博齐的书中有定义。Then there's Tier II capital and then they have a formula -now, this is defined in Fabozzi.

柬埔寨降低了开办企业所需的登记注册费用和最低法定资本金。Cambodia cut registration fees and reduced the minimum capital required to start a business.

银行到哪儿去筹措数量庞大的资金来补充他们显然已经损失的资本金呢?Where will the banks raise the huge sums needed to replenish the capital they have apparently lost?

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中国长江三峡集团公司为国有独资企业,注册资本金1,115.98亿元。China Three Gorges Corporation for the state-owned enterprises, registered capital of 1,115.98 million.

银行在迫于压力募集更多资本金和把储备水平提得更高方面是相当顺从的。Banks are pretty much resigned to being forced to raise more capital and to keep higher levels of reserves.

商业银行发行次级金融债券是对商业银行资本金进行补充的有效途径。It is an effective method to compensate the capital of commercial banks by issuing subordinate financial bonds.