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可惜守门员将球挡出球门。But the goalie fenced it out.

史密斯在球门线失球。Smith fumbled at the goal line.

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球门裁判员举双旗。The goal judge raises both flags.

足球击中球门门柱弹了出去。The football bounced off the goalpost.

皮球旋转着飞进了球门。The ball screwed and flew into the goal.

对方门将站在球门线上The goal keeper is standing at the goal.

他们甚至都没有机会靠近红人队的球门线。They never came close to Redskins goal line.

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慢镜回放显示球已经越过了球门线。Replays showed the ball had crossed the line.

这位后卫把球顶进了自己的球门。The fullback headed the ball into his own goal.

那个球星中锋冲向球门线。The star half-back jetted toward the goal line.

他一直把足球猛踢到球门线。He booted the ball all the way to the goal line.

他把球盘到球门并得分。He dribbled the ball down to the goal and scored.

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贝贝托在距球门30米开外凌空抽射。Bebeto volleyed the ball 30 metres away from the net.

守门员可以返回到球门前的区域。Goalies may be returned to the area in front of the goal.

移动球门—根据球员年龄决定大小。Portable goalposts – size according to the age of players.

在本赛季,比埃尔霍夫为ac米兰队踢球,但是,他在球门前显然不在状态。But he has had mixed season with AC Milan in front of goal.

如果球越过了球门线,则会判角球。If the ball, leaves the ends of the pitch, a corner is given.

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标示出队员,守门员,球门和场区线。To indicate the players, the goalkeeper, the goals, the lines.

守门员用手掌勉强把球挡过球门横木。The goalkeeper just managed to palm the ball over the crossbar.

这场比赛,格伦·约翰逊打左后卫,他至少可以勉强猜出球门在哪里。Glen Johnson at left back and guess where the goal was conceded.