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她笑容满面。Her face was wreathed in smiles.

她总是笑容满面,和蔼可亲。She was always smiling, always laughing.

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笑容满面,欲与天下人争辩。Is ready to argue, he smiles, with any stranger.

如果他们乐观豁达,你也会笑容满面。If they're happy, chances are you're smiling too.

父母忙出去迎客,笑容满面。Parents rushed out to meet the guest, all smiles.

山姆是个可爱的孩子,总是笑容满面的。He was adorable and always had a smile on his face.

她总是笑容满面,和蔼可亲。Forsyth said. “She was always smiling, always laughing.

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她看起来很友好,每次都笑容满面地冲我招手。She seemed friendly and always waved, flashing a big smile.

另外,你笑容满面,你的好心情影响到了周围所遇的人。Plus, you smile a lot. Your good mood influences everyone else.

她非常高兴,笑容满面,说道‘我现在就卖。’She became so happy and smiled, saying 'I'll take it right now.'

在柜台前她笑容满面地递给我一张登机牌。When I got there she smiled again, and handed me a boarding pass.

格列高利十六到了八十岁还是身躯挺直、笑容满面的。Gregory XVI. , at the age of eighty, held himself erect and smiling.

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最后一遍,我笑容满面,你却心比冰坚。For the last time, I smiled with delight, and you turned it into ice.

他们两人笑容满面,表示自己迫不急待要去抱孙子。They were both smiling, and said they could not wait to hold their grandson.

谈得泪光盈盈,笑容满面,互留联系方式,成了好友。Ying-Ying talked tears, smiling, stay in contact each other and became friends.

英兵同声欢呼,军官也笑容满面。The British soldiers cheered and broad smiles broke out on the faces of their officers.

“坐我的车走吧。”一个约五十来岁长得矮胖的汉子走上前来,笑容满面地说。" Take my car to go. " An approximately 50-year-old grow stout man came forward, smiling to say.

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杨广虽然受到美人的冷脸对待,完全没有生气,反而笑容满面向陈燕儿进行了一番表白。YangGuang are beauty cold face to, not at all angry, but smile full ChenYan son for a profession.

她的圣诞之行,虽然发生了令人心悸的插曲,却仍让江海松笑容满面。Her Christmas visit, despite its frightening postscript, still brings a smile to Mr. Jiang's face.

克莱夫人和颜悦色,笑容满面,不过她的礼貌和微笑倒是理所当然的事情。Mrs Clay was very pleasant, and very smiling, but her courtesies and smiles were more a matter of course.