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好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,成为朋友。Let's bury the hatchet and be friends.

是我们捐弃前嫌的时候了。It is time to bury our past misunderstandings.

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好了,让我们捐弃前嫌,成为朋友。All right. Let's bury the hatchet and be friends.

让我们捐弃前嫌,忘却过去的争吵吧。Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our past quarrels.

两个孩子决定捐弃前嫌,重新做朋友。The two boys agreed to let bygones be bygones and make friend again.

健忘让我们宽恕和遗忘,捐弃前嫌,大事化小。It also allows us to forgive and forget, bury the hatchet, and roll with the punches.

然而,要再过多久才能见到巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯人和犹太人也能捐弃前嫌结束这长达一个世纪的战争呢?But how long before the century-long war between Arabs and Jews in Palestine follows suit?

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雷诺的坦诚还帮助了Tassadar和暗黑武士Zeratul捐弃前嫌,结为好友。Raynor's bluff honesty enabled him to forge a bond between Tassadar and the dark templar Zeratul.

不出我们所料,中美此次捐弃前嫌,下定决心要在可再生能源领域携手大干一番了。As it turns out, the United States and China are going to walk hand in hand into the renewable energy future.

所以,中国的自我矮化或者中国的捐弃前嫌,可能被解读为中国的软弱可欺。Therefore, the self- dwarfing China's bury the hatchet, or may be interpreted as a sign of weakness in China.

这两个生意上曾经的对手,如今捐弃前嫌坐在了一起。These two used to be business opponents, but they have buried all their old grudges and are sitting together right now.

进展如今甚至更加缓慢,凸显两国捐弃前嫌的困难。That pace has just gotten even slower, highlighting the difficulty the two countries continue to face in putting a nasty past behind them.

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他承认现在他已经和弗格森捐弃前嫌,说曼联经理还问过他可以签下哪些南美球员。And he admits that he has now buried the hatchet with Ferguson, and says the United manager even asks his advice on possible South American signings.

在中文版序言中,佩雷斯说,各国领导人需要有远见,捐弃前嫌,缔造和平,以对付“明日的挑战”。In the preface to the Chinese edition, Peres says that the leaders of every country must have vision , relinquish old grudges, and create peace in order to deal with "challenges of tomorrow."