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他抬起头看风向标。He looked up at the weathercock.

气象风向标在冬季经常僵立不动。In winter the weathervane often freezes up.

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气象风向标在冬季经常僵立不动。In winter the weather vane often freezes up.

从烟的动向可以判断出风向,但不能通过风向标判断。Wind direction shown by smoke-drift, but not by wind vanes.

徽州田价是徽商资本流动的风向标。Huizhou farmland prices indicate Hui merchants capital flow.

面向职业生活是高职院校人文教育的风向标。To face the career life is the vane of humanities education.

上海楼市是全国房地产市场的风向标。Shanghai property market is the real estate market weather vanes.

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跟着风旅行的你啊,是什么风向标在引导着你的旅程?You who travel with the wind, what weather-vane shall direct your course?

他是这个国家里仅有的几个从事手工制作风向标的人之一。He is one of the few people in the country who make hand-cut weathervanes.

中国国际时装周是海内最主要的时尚策源地和流行风向标。China Fashion Week is the most influential fashion cradle and vane in China.

这个美国经济的风向标是怎么成为一个公司的灾难?How did this weather vane of the US economy become a car crash of a corporation?

被视为全球经济增长风向标的原油价格和铜价也大幅下挫。Prices of crude oil and copper, seen as barometers of global growth, also slumped.

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不过这一新技术创新对我来说至少是一个风向标。But the breadth of the package, it seems to me, is at the very least a weathervane.

这些使用一根中心的轴由于在一个减少半径的住房里面滑动风向标。These use a central shaft with sliding vanes inside a housing of decreasing radius.

它已不单是一种共同的心理趋势,也是引导消费者消费的风向标。It is not only a psychology trend, but the vane of inducting consumer's consumption.

在立法后评估中,评估指标起到风向标的作用。In the legislative post-assessment, the assessment index plays the role of mind vane.

美国大选往往是美国新一届政府政策走向的风向标。The U. S. president-election is often seen as the U. S. new government's policy vane.

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它们与风向标最普通的设计,即传统公鸡形状的风向标相差甚远。It's all a far cry from the traditional cock, the most common design for weathervanes.

该标志是正确人生观、世界观的风向标,并有着强烈的文化底蕴。The signs are correct outlook on life, world outlook of the vane and has a strong culture.

蓝头发的女歌手们正取代她成为这个万圣节的风向标。Move over Lady Gaga. There are some new blue-haired songstresses taking over this Halloween.