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外来词源源不断地进入英语。Foreign words keep coming into English.

借用外来词,达到新颖的效果。Use of loanword so as to create novelty.

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沙发”是个外来词,但大家都知道它的意思。Although "sofa" is a loanword, everyone knows its meaning.

它不同于传统意义的“宅”,是一个地道的外来词,源于日本。It is a typical loanword which first came to use in Japan.

通过对比,阐述了现代汉语外来词的新动向。At last , it expatiated the new trend of loanword in modern chinese.

外来词是文化的载体之一,它是文化的一种符号。Loanwords are one kind of cultural signs as well as cultural carriers.

其特点是受外来词影响而产生,大都经过缩略过程。They are all influenced by loanwords and most of them are abbreviated.

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网络语言中一个突出现象是大量英语外来词杂糅其中。One of the conspicuous phenomenons of it is full of a lot of English words.

在所有的英文外来词中,三音节词的数量是最多的。In all of English loan words, three-syllable English loan words are the most.

第一部分从不同角度对英语外来词进行分类和分析。The first part from different views classifies and analyses English loan-words.

英语词典中有些长词系外来词。Some of the long words in English dictionaries are imports from other languages.

在汉语外来词的范围及定义方面久存争论。The scope and definition of loanwords in Chinese language has been long discussed.

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最后笔者从谜米学的角度预测了外来词的发展趋势。Finally, the author presumes the developmental tendency of loanwords in the future.

汉语借词中,单音节外来词只占一小部分。Monosyllabic loanwords constitute only a small proportion of the Chinese loanwords.

外来词作为异文化的使者在汉语语言交流与使用的比率也越来越高。Loanwords, as a different cultural envoy, use more frequently in the Chinese communion.

在近代最突出的外来词是有关长曲棍球和曲棍球运动方面的词汇。In recent times the most striking exports have been in the vocabulary of lacrosse and hockey.

近年来,由于外来词大量涌入,新闻媒体中出现了一些音译词使用不规范现象。In resent years, loanwords swarm in large quantities, some of them are not standardized in media.

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有时英语会从被的语言里面“借用”一些词汇,这些词汇就叫做“外来词”。English has borrowed and incorporated many words from other languages. These are called "loanwords".

本文简单界定了外来词与外来词词素的概念和形成。The thesis defines the concept and presents the formation of foreign word and foreign morpheme briefly.

使用一个外来词可以让这个事物显得更时髦,这就更容易被媒体所使用。By using a foreign word you can make a subject seem new, which makes it easier for the media to pick up.