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机票有效期30天内往返。Validity for 30days only.

我的签证有效期只剩一天了。My visa expires in one day.

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这车票的有效期是多久?How long is the ticket valid ?

质保有效期是多久?How long does the warranty run?

金卡会籍有效期12个月。Guld membership is valid 12 months.

此卡有效期为一年。The period of validity is one year.

即必须在信用证的有效期内交单。That period must pay a single credit.

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这份保证书有效期为一年。This guarantee is valid for one year.

行船时刻表有效期是多长时间?How long is the boat time table effective?

行船时刻表有效期是多长时间?。How long is the boat time-table effective?

发盘必须标明有效期。The offer must state the term of validity.

月票有效期只有一个月。The monthly ticket is valid for a month only.

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预计饮片有效期为两年。We anticipate the validity time as two years.

所有签名插件都有一个有效期。All signed plug-ins have a period of validity.

延长债券有效期是紧随其后的下一步。Extending the maturity of bonds is the next step.

如果你没有设定日期,它默认的有效期是一年。If you don't set a date, the default is one year.

在某些情况下,滴滴涕有效期可以长达9-12个月。DDT can be effective for 9–12 months in some cases.

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船舶卫生控制措施证书最长有效期为6个月。The SSCC is valid for a maximum period of 6 months.

银菊颗粒的有效期为12个月。The period of validity of Yinju Granule was 12 months.

英国签证有效期仅为30天,申根国家为90天。UK visa only valid 30 days, Schengen visa for 90 days.