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祂要藏你在万古的盘石中。He'll hide you ever in the rock of ages.

请留盘石上,垂钓将已矣。Please stay to the solid rock, fishing will be gone.

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耶稣指出房屋需要建基于盘石上。Jesus speaks about building a house on firm foundations.

“盘石”是浙江网商大军中的一员。Pan Shi " it is one of main forces of Zhejiang network business."

击打我这顽石,向顽石说话,让这盘石流出水来!LORD, smite the rock, or speak to the rock, and cause the waters to flow!

此时,杉木和龙泽到达盘石店准备换成火车返回青岛。At this point, the fir and reaching longtzer rock shop for into the train back to Qingdao.

只要你还有一个自我感,就把它沉浸在身内,保持它的坚固——如盘石般坚固。As long as you're going to have a sense of self, keep it solid—rock solid—immersed in the body.

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忽然殿里的幔子,从上到下裂为两半。地也震动。盘石也崩裂。At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split.

但要坚持祷告持续不断,我们必须像摩西一样,在群众的帮助下,安歇在神坚固如盘石的应许上。But for essential prayer to continue, we must rest like Moses on the rock of God's promises with the help of the community.

摩西用杖击打何烈的盘石,才有水流出来给口渴的百姓喝。It was breaking the surface of the rock at Horeb, by the stroke of Moses' rod that let out the cool waters to thirsty people.

磨盘寨居于云阳县新县城内,原名盘石城,也称小石城、天生城。Disc- Walled living in the county seat of Yunyang County, the original name was Shicheng, also known as Little Rock, born city.

扫罗就从以色列人中挑选三千精兵,率领他们往野羊的盘石去,寻索大卫和跟随他的人。Then Saul took three thousand chosen men out of all Israel, and went to seek David and his men upon the rocks of the wild goats.

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这些彩色地带和谐地交织在一起,形成了一堵美如彩虹、坚如盘石、光芒四射的城墙,其光彩之绚丽令人感到无法用言语表达。All these colored belts blending smoothly make a wall of light ineffably fine, and as beautiful as a rainbow, yet firm as adamant.

为此本研究应用当前国际上非常流行的神经网络进行盘石头水库的入库流量的模拟。And so this research apply very popular nervus network that proceed inflow floods analogue in the Panshitou reservoir in international.

淇河盘石头水库是河南省“九五”重点建设项目,大坝坝型采用混凝土面板堆石坝。Qihe Panshitou reservoir is the key construction project of "95" in Henan province. The dam type adopting the concrete face stone rock dam.

2013、2014年,田宁领导的盘石网盟连续被世界经济论坛评为全球成长型领军企业25强。In 2012, 2013 and 2014, under the leadership of Tian Ning, PANSHI consistently ranks as the top 25 of the growth enterprises by World Economic Forum.

克里特岛是希腊最大的岛屿,它之所以能跻身欧洲最完美的度假胜地之列,可能就是因为在这块四面环海长130英里的巨大盘石上,度假旅客的万千遐想几乎都能实现。Crete, Greece's largest island, just may be one of the most perfect vacation spots in Europe because virtually all vacationer's whims can be met on this 130-mile-long chunk of sea-bound rock.

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盘石水库泄洪洞、导流洞所涉及的岩体为寒武系下统灰、页岩互层层状岩体。其中页岩对洞室的稳定起决定作用。There are mutual samdwich rock of Cambrian limestone and shale in Pan-shi reservoir's to piloting water tunnel and flooding water tunnel, In which the shale is decisive to the tunnel stability.

本文在深入调研和广泛搜集基本资料的基础上,采用水文比拟法和流域模型法系统地分析计算了盘石、里店水库的来水量情况。This paper uses the hydrology analogue method and watershed model method to analyze and compute the coming water volume on the base of deep investigation and extensive collection of fundamental data.