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确信你的佩饰符合你的身型。Make sure your accessories are in line with the size of your frame.

佩饰、手串、檀香扇皆可令身心平静而愉悦。Baldric , hand strings, sandalwood fan can make peace and pleasure physical.

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制成花环、佩饰,美丽芬芳,妇人争相佩戴,用以驱瘴。Garland, made, beautiful fragrant baldric, woman scramble to wear to flooding, dysentery.

在日本,象牙雕刻的主要艺术用途是在于制作形似坠子的「根付」,这种物品为男性服饰中不可或缺的佩饰。The major artistic use of ivory in Japan was for netsukes, toggles used as fasteners on men's clothing.

倾国和萧辉的感情也越来越好,倾国给了萧辉自己的一个佩饰。Pour kingdom and Xiao Hui feelings also more and more good, gave Xiao Hui pour countries own a accessories.

文章选择代表性佩饰,以其纹样、色彩材质等方面为切入点,分析传统藏族佩饰的艺术特征。In the article, I chose representative baldric analysis of Artistic Features by its patterns, colors and materials.

种类繁杂的佩饰以其精美独特的纹样,艳丽神秘的色彩向人们展示着独特的藏族文化。Tibetan tradition baldric shows a unique Tibetan culture by its exquisite patterns, brilliant and mysterious colors.

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说明一下,奥德曼先生穿了一件礼服,里面是白衬衫,黑领结,还有托马斯牌的佩饰。And for the record , Mr, Oldman is wearing a tuxedo with a white shirt and balcd bow tie. and accessories by Thomas pink.

甚至连那些对“尼卡布”服装佩饰毫无兴趣的穆斯林都觉得伊斯兰教利用为政治目的。Even French Muslims who have no time for the niqab-wearing fringe sense that Islam is being exploited for political ends.

宗教是藏族生活中重要组成部分,这些因素在传统藏族佩饰中都得到了很好的体现。Tibetan religion is an important part of life, These factors have been well reflected in the traditional Tibetan baldric.

不需要华美的佩饰,不需要亮丽的颜色,独特的魅力会使自己散发出最耀眼的光芒。No need of gorgeous accessories, no need of bright colors, the unique charm of its own will distribute the most dazzling light.

“佩饰无疑可以造就或者毁掉一套装束,”巴巴瓦尼说,“本季,大概正在造就一个正代佩饰。"Accessories can definitely make or break an outfit, " Babvani says. "This season, it's about making a statement with accessories.

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在古代是由多件玉质构件组合而成的一套玉佩饰,是佩戴者身份和地位的象征。In the ancient times, it was made of a group of jade components, and it is a symbol of identity and status of the person who wears it.

这次中国军队的服装改革幅度非常之大,共有644项款式和佩饰方面的改动。The Chinese military have undergone the largest-ever reform in their military uniforms, with 644 newitems of clothing involved in the change.

十字绣是一种传统的手工艺品,它广泛用于服饰、佩饰、日用品、家居装饰以及体闲、交友,深受人们的喜爱。Recently, with the increasing of computer technology development, we can use traditional manual when make cross-stitch, or make it by computer.

脸部妆面、发型、服饰、佩饰有效的结合,局部、整体的统筹掌握更加把握了现代人们对于自身的需求。Facial cosmetics face, hair, costumes, Baldric effective combination of local, have more co-ordinate the overall grasp of modern people for their own needs.

你看这只玉蝉不过两寸余长,又无佩饰之孔,显见是做死者口含之用。You see this jade cicada however two inch remaining long, didn't wear the bore of decoration again, the clearly shows was to be the dead's to contain of use.

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通过分析婴儿的生理和心理特点,结合人体工效对影响婴儿服装设计的面料、色彩、款式、结构、图案、佩饰等因素进行了探讨。Conjoint ergonomics analysis, it discussed the factors influencing infant clothing design, such as fabric, color, style, structure, pattern, baldric and so on.

一方面有黄金佩饰的叮当,一方面有丝绸衣裙的响声,于是空气便掀动起来,把圣安托万和他那吞噬着人们的饥饿吃得远远的。And what with that ringing, and with the rustle of silk and brocade and fine linen, there was a flutter in the air that fanned Saint Antoine and his devouring hunger far away.

上至皇帝下至庶民、舞乐人员乃至僧侣,服制齐备,服装佩饰式样繁多,工艺讲究。Dress system in Ming Dynasty has the characteristic of completeness—people, like emperors, common people, dancers, musicians, even monks, all wear different styles of dresses.