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你这是在建空中楼阁。You are building a castle in the air.

你的计划仅是空中楼阁而已。Your plan is merely a castle in the air.

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你的计划只不过是空中楼阁。Your scheme is merely a castle in the air.

名望是空中楼阁,因为还有比他更伟大的人。Fame is emptiness, because there have been greater men than he.

我在上海买栋大厦的梦想只不过是座空中楼阁而已。My Shanghai mansion may prove to be a castle in Spain after all.

他们的打算证明,全都不过是空中楼阁。Their calculations have all been proved to be castles in the air.

除非你可以预知未来,否则远期的商业规划就是空中楼阁。Unless you’re a fortune teller, long-term business planning is a fantasy.

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他们的计划不过是空中楼阁而已,因为它根本行不通。Their plan is merely a castle in the air because it is simply impracticable.

别再相信他了,他是个一直住在空中楼阁里的空想家。Don't trust him any more , he is always living in a castle in Spain as a daydreamer.

心上路,脚不上路,前方永远是海市蜃楼、空中楼阁。Heart on the road, feet not on the road, the front is always a mirage, castle in the air.

只是你们上次的报价还是象空中楼阁一样让我可望而不可及。But your last quotation still seemed like an air castle which made me failed to reach for.

中国现在投入研发的钱多了N多,苏联威胁的神话只不过是空中楼阁而已。China is putting far more money in R&D. The myth of sputnic moment is a castle in the air.

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你学习必须努力,否则上大学可能是空中楼阁罢了。You must study harder and harder, otherwise entering college may prove to be a castle in the air.

但近十年末,库萨精心搭建的“空中楼阁”开始土崩瓦解。But by the end of the decade, Kusa's carefully constructed house of cards had started to fall apart.

但近十年末,库萨精心搭建的“空中楼阁”开始土崩瓦解。But by the end of the decade, Kusa’s carefully constructed house of cards had started to fall apart.

我们可以幻想搭建空中楼阁,也可以踏踏实实地追求梦想,直至实现。We can create grand dreams that never lever the ground, or we can be builders of dreams that come true.

没有健全的区域创新体系,国家创新体系无异于空中楼阁。Short of perfect Regional Innovation System, National Innovation System will be nothing else but air castle.

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楼房盖的再多价格再便宜没有人没有企业也是空中楼阁。The building roof multi-price cheap nobody does not have the enterprise is also the castle in the air again.

如果你要在几棵树当中建造一座空中楼阁,你搭建的平台也同样需要允许这些树运动。If you’re building high off the ground across several trees, even your platform needs to allow for tree movement.

任何商业行为都会不断演化,但没有一个行业是建立在空中楼阁的基础上的。With any business cycle it's going to be evolutionary, but there is seldom excess with a total lack of fundamentals.