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位低的“盗贼”成了他们的爪牙。Petty thieves were their minions.

如黑铁一般的爪牙,如黑夜一般的外相。Claws of black steel. Fur as dark night.

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更多银黎明的爪牙,毫无疑问。More pawns of the Argent Dawn, no doubt.

杰克将他的家人藏在车后,盖恩斯和他的爪牙们向他们开火。Jack hides his family behind the van as Gaines and his men fire at them.

然后你应该去找到一些爪牙怪,开始对他们进行屠杀,一只也别放过。You should then go find some Imps and start killing them, any Imps will do.

没有让暴力掌权者的爪牙,找到攻击莎士比亚的借口。Has not let the violence hierarch the lackey, found attacks Shakespeare's excuse.

而事实上,他们只是他们的主子阿努奇人前线的爪牙。In fact, they were all merely fronts for the dark minions and their Anunnaki overlords.

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我们的人民都在凯尔萨斯和他的爪牙的魔掌下遭受了巨大的不幸,莉娅德琳女士。Both our peoples suffered greatly at the hands of Kael'thas and his agents, Lady Liadrin.

我们跋山涉水是否只为感觉你的仇恨?我们虔诚演奏是否只成为游戏中的爪牙?。Did we get this far just to feel your hate? Did we play to become only pawns in the game?

巴尔的爪牙控制着从我们的营地哈洛加斯通往山顶的所有路径。Baal's army holds the mountain passes from our haven in Harrogath all the way to the summit.

那时的国会多数党领袖特伦特·洛特就称和记黄埔为“人民解放军的爪牙”。Trent Lott, then Senate majority leader, called Hutchison “an arm of the People's Liberation Army”.

我们能从毁灭者的爪牙中间抢出我们自己的命来,好像戴维从狮子口中抢出羊羔来一般。It means a life snatched out of the jaws of the destroyer, as David snatched the lamb from the lion.

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一个新的机械的爪牙,发条城堡,已经看到到处麦斯威尔的世界。A new mechanical minion, the Clockwork Castle, has been seen stomping around Maxwell's parts of the world.

真凶是刺猬精,他是张猛的爪牙,一些列事件都是在帮张猛收集精气。Off the hedgehog jing, he is Zhang Meng minions, a series of events are in essence help Zhang Meng collection.

照片中这只凶猛残酷的金雕在山坡上展翅低飞,爪牙之下是一只鲜血淋淋的羊羔。Swooping low over a mountainside, this magnificent but deadly golden eagle clutches a bloodied lamb in its talons.

就在利物浦的赛季看起来快要成为人人可欺的落水狗的时候,他们去见了狼,然后找会了自己的爪牙。Just as Liverpool's season looked like it had gone to the dogs, they went to the Wolves and rediscovered their bite.

你今晚已经吓了我几次了,但是没有敌人的爪牙吓我那么厉害,这是我想象的。You have frightened me several times tonight, but never in the way that servants of the Enemy would, or so I imagine.

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同未被驯服的野猫一样,家猫是天生的猎手,它们能够跟踪并用其尖利的爪牙袭击猎物。Like their wild relatives, domestic cats are natural hunters able to stalk prey and pounce with sharp claws and teeth.

随即地面渐渐被冰雪覆盖,结冰的地缝中涌出了一群古兰斯的骷髅爪牙。The ground grew white with frost and ice, and from forth the frozen earth spilled the rotted, skeletal minions of Grenth.

他们原本形影不离,但当纳粹的阴影长期笼罩着他们生活的时候,他们一个成了纳粹党卫军的军官,另一个则成为了该制度的爪牙。Yet as the long shadow of Nazism dominates their lives, one becomes an officer in the SS and the other a pawn of the system.