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他收买他们,使他们闭口不言。He bribed them into silence.

杰拉尔德爵士已经被收买了。Sir Gerald had been nobbled.

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被收买的告密者,滚开!Hence, thou suborn'd informer!

该候选人收买了投票人。The candidate tampered with voters.

他企图收买陪审团中一个陪审员。He tried to nobble one of the jurors.

被收买的告密者,滚开!你越诬告。Hence, thou suborned informer, a true soul.

图德尔显然是收买不了的。Toodle was evidently not to be bought over.

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他企图收买官员,叫他们三缄其。He tried to bribe the officials into silence.

即使是现在,你也在设法收买我的鱼之代言者。Even now, you seek to suborn my Fish Speakers.

帮派用钱收买人心。Gang money winning the local hearts and minds.

总统试图收买虚假证人。The president tried to suborn false witnesses.

他似乎以为他能轻易收买我。He seems to think he can buy me over very cheaply.

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他被指控阴谋收买证人作伪证。He was charged with conspiracy to suborn witnesses.

利用经过验证的面试技巧“收买人心”。For buying, leverage proven interviewing techniques.

理解什么时候“推销”,什么时候“收买”。Understand when you're selling and when you're buying.

美国试图用创意和安全来收买朋友。The USis trying to buy friends with ideas and security.

还是让我们赞美孩子的好成绩,但不要为此而收买他们吧。Praise your children for good grades but don't pay them.

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其次,尤素福认为他可以收买议会。And second of all, he believes he can buy off parliament.

他们收买证人让他忘掉他所看到的事情。They bribed the witness to forget about what he had seen.

候选人企图收买投票人,但未能得逞。The candidate tried to tamper with the voters but in vain.