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他说,“毛毛虫被完全分解成汁水,然后再重新组合起来。”And then it starts again.

我们试着把这段分解一下。Let's try to take this apart.

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世界分解为诸事实。The world divides into facts.

纤维素是很难分解的。Cellulose is hard to break down.

它接受一个整数进行分解。It accepts an integer to factor.

有些化合物易于分解。Some compounds can easily resolve.

我会购买可生物分解的产品。I purchased bio-degradable products.

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这是不能分解的物质。This is an indecomposable substance.

准备工作分解结构。Prepare the work breakdown structure.

然而最终我的身体将会分解But eventually my body will decompose.

因此一种分解是不够的。So no one decomposition is sufficient.

已分解的禾秆、叶及草Decomposed rice straw, leaves and grass

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还很容易分解和清洁。It's also easy to field-strip and clean.

草酸分解了,生成了这些产物。Things break apart, forms these products.

你不能通过分解财富来使它翻倍。You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

现在我要分解力。So now I'm going to decompose these forces.

它可以被分解成乙酰乙酸。It can be broken down to yield acetoacetate.

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在入射点上,该光波被分解为下列二分量。At entry, this wave is split into components.

把任务分解成小段的时间,把它当成游戏。Break the task down into little bits of time.

共聚树脂的合成及热分解性能。Preparation and thermolysis of the copolymer.