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我不要半生不熟的牛排。I want my steak rare.

个半生不熟的东西!The thing of the half cooked!

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这顿饭煮得半生不熟。This meal is only half cooked.

这鸡肉有点半生不熟。The chicken is a bit undercooked.

这些土豆煮得半生不熟。These potatoes are only half cooked.

我不喜欢吃半生不熟的牛排。I don't care for half-cooked beefsteak.

她用半生不熟的熏肉和烧焦了的饼干招待我们。She served us underdone bacon and burnt biscuits.

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这些“半生不熟的知识”是我观念中最危险的部分。This "half-knowledge" is the most dangerous in my oppinion.

我讨厌半生不熟的人际关系,如果可以请彻底的在乎。I hate my interpersonal relationship, if you can please complete care.

我们知道,半生不熟的牛肉味道美,但半生不熟的鸡肉就像在嚼湿透的靴子。Rare beef is wonderful, but rare chicken is like chewing on soggy boots.

谨此宣布﹔毫无保留地,底地憎恨把英文写得半生不熟的同事。I hereby declare unfailing hatred of colleagues who writehalf-baked English.

别满足于让你的恩赐停留在半生不熟的阶段,要使自己扩展,抓住一切机会学习来提高。Don't settle for a half-developed gift. Stretch yourself and learn all you can.

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谨此宣布?我毫无保留地、彻底地憎恨把英文写得半生不熟的同事。I hereby declare my utter, unfailing hatred of colleagues who write half-baked English.

这位军医能讲几句洋泾浜的越南语,护士也能讲几句半生不熟的法语。The doctor spoke some pidgin Vietnamese, and the nurse a smattering of highschool French.

他一边半生不熟地用阿拉伯语感谢主人,一边比划着,问他哪里能够找到电话。As he half-baked Arabic thanks to the owner, while gestures, asked him where to find phone.

的问题,这一概念是,它是一种片面的或半生不熟的教育方针。The problem with this notion is that it is a one-sided or half-baked approach to education.

绝对或非常有限的人用半生不熟的工具,仅仅是因为他们假装是易于使用。Definitely nobody has to use underdone or very limited tools, just because they pretend to be easy to use.

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管理人员有歪曲语言的天赋,用糟糕的词语毁坏“半生不熟”的思想。Management has a genius for doing violence to the English language, taking half-decent ideas and ruining them.

对于每一个功能,效果很好,现在,似乎有一个的出问题,半生不熟的,或者干脆失踪。For every feature that works well right now, there seems to be one that's glitchy, half-baked, or simply missing.

他们发现,半生不熟略带血色的羔羊肉和“药用”橄榄很难吃,而且完全不知道其它菜是用什么做的。They found the rare, blood-tinged lamb and "medicinal" olives revolting and had no idea what to make of anything else.