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本报已正式改名为星河新报。This newspaper had renamed as Galaxy News.

天接云涛连晓雾,星河欲转千帆舞。The Silver River fades, sails on sails dance on high.

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公司拥有自主品牌---星河太空石头。The company has its proprietary brand ----S-H quartz.

努力使“星河”产品达到“星火”计划顶峰。Efforts to make "Star" products to "Spark" program peak.

抬头仰望着漫天星河,那时候陪伴我的那颗。I look upto the sky, when the milky accompany me the ball.

络角星河菡萏天,一家欢笑设红筵。Contact angle Galaxy Handan days, a set of red feast laughter.

星河辉煌光耀,那边是家园,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼。Where is home on the Milky way of stars, drew brees jersey, I dry my eyes again.

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清溪河畔,行人络绎不绝,两岸烟花烂漫,璀璨星河。Qing River, pedestrian in a continuous line, the bloom of fireworks, bright star.

这个发现也将打破星球如何星河和形成地点的主要理论。The find would also violate the leading hypothesis of how and where planets form.

那么,就让爱的火花在这美丽的季节里燃烧在星河里。Well then, let the love sparkle burning into the Milky Way in the beautiful season.

余淮竞赛回来积极投入合唱排练,路星河组织乐队誓与五班死磕。Yu Huai race back engaged in chorus rehearsal, Milky Ways oath and class five died.

在此我们申请成为深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店项目合格的投标人。We hereby apply to be qualified as a bidder for The Ritz Carlton Shenzhenproject in Shenzhen.

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欢迎各界朋友莅临南宫市星河毛毡厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。Welcome friends from all Nangong Galaxy blankets factory visit, guidance and business negotiation.

南宫市星河毛毡厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。Nangong Galaxy blankets plant integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry.

未来几千年,不论人类的发明多么辉煌,和它们相比,不过是璀璨星河中的些微星光。They’re astronomically brilliant in comparison to anything humans are likely to invent for millennia.

“发现号”是NASA最老的航天飞机,也是NASA由三架航天飞机组成的“星河舰队”中飞行次数最多的。Discovery is NASA's oldest flying space shuttle and the most-flown of the agency's three-orbiter fleet.

星河证券的一名分析师郝达明计算出两种导致CPI增长的力量。Hao Daming, an analyst with Galaxy Securities, figures out two of the driving forces for the CPI growth.

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同时也要感谢星河国际艺术小镇的支助和我们一贯的支持者毛迪先生。At the same time, we want to thank Xinghe Group for their help, and Mr. Mao Xuhui for his consistent support.

与此同时,路星河竟破天荒开始学习,研究化学,似乎正在酝酿一个重大的计划。Verdant Milky Way at the same time, the road began to learn, study chemistry, seems to be brewing a great plan.

我的名字叫陈星河,今年十一岁了,我非常喜欢英语,在家里我常常用英语和我妈妈对话。My name is Cheng Xing He. I am eleven, I like English very much. I often talk with my mother in English at home.