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每只鸟都喜难听本身唱歌。Each bird love to hear himself sing.

他唱的他妈的比Ringo还难听。He sounded worse than fuckin' Ringo.

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她用难听的流言蜚语臭他。She discredited him with ugly gossip.

她那难听的音乐使她父亲很生气。Her tuneless music made her father's blood boil.

如果这样很的话难听,但它或许就是正确的。If that’s difficult to hear, it’s probably true.

他们用难听的闲言碎语来破坏她的好名声。They discredited her good name with ugly gossip.

最初人们觉得巴托克的风格刺耳难听。At first, people found Bartok's style harsh and ugly.

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过一段时间以后,小提琴就会走调儿,而且声音难听。In time a violin goes out of tune , and sounds awful.

这台钢琴的音很不准,十分难听。The piano is badly out of tune and jangles on my ears.

别嫌我说话难听,我说的句句都是实话。I'm not trying to offend you. I'm simply stating the truth.

这个人哭起来真难听,象号丧一样。Her cry, liking howl at a funeral, is unpleasant to the ear.

英国腔并不难听,相反的它带有一丝温柔的气息。Also, Briticism is not coarse, contrarily, it has a gentle breath.

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这首歌她竟然用平调就唱下来了,真难听啊!She used a low key to sing the song, which was awful to listen to.

昆虫学家为最小时候的苍蝇起了个名字,但那是一个难听的名字,一种侮辱。Entomologists have a name for young flies, but it is an ugly name, an insult.

“奇怪,”珍妮说,“她竟一直用埃伦这么个难听的名字。”It's odd, " Janey remarked, "that she should have kept such an ugly name as ellen!

“真奇怪,”詹尼说,“她竞一直沿用埃伦这么个难听的名字。"It's odd, " Janey remarked, "that she should have kept such an ugly name as Ellen.

山博连忙把耳朵遮住,因为他觉得她的歌声实在难听和刺耳。Samboy covered his ears as he thought her singing was terrible and too high pitched.

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一个发出这么难听可怕声音的女人,无权待在任何地方!A woman who utters such depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be anywhere!

尽管名字难听,但Doodle却是一款极其简单的会议安排应用。Despite the unfortunate name, Doodle is a dead-simple Web app for scheduling a meeting.

这个笑话精彩极了。语言虽然难听点,但客人并未感到不高兴。It was a wonderful roast. The guest of honor was pleased with the quality of the insults.