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四是求同存异。The fourth is tolerance.

求同存异也一直在发生。Differentiations of culture happen all the time as well.

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我们要求同存异,妥善处理分歧。We should seek common ground and properly handle differences.

他们是共识驱动的,并求同存异。They are consensus-driven, with full divergence and then convergence.

因此如何做到求同存异,对双方的有效沟通都显得极为重要。As a result, it is very important to let the two parts agree to disagree agreeably.

第四,坚持求同存异,促进共同安全。Fourth, we need to seek common ground while shelving difference and enhance common security.

我们应该正确认识和对待中欧之间存在的差异,求同存异。Wen said we need to have a correct understanding of the differences between China and the EU.

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这样的情况下,求同存异就是最好的做法。Under such circumstances, it is best for us to seek common ground while reserving differences.

威金斯女士说,“我想我们开过七次会讨论面纱的问题,但最终我们做到了求同存异。”“I think we had seven meetings about the veil,” Mrs. Wiggins said. “We finally got over the veil.”

威金斯女士说,“我想我们开过七次会讨论面纱的问题,但最终我们做到了求同存异。”“I think we had seven meetings about the veil, ” Mrs. Wiggins said. “We finally got over the veil.”

生活简单,放飞心灵,张开双臂,接受新鲜事物,我们会是求同存异。Life is simple. open your mind, arms , and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.

这与平等的信誉有关,尤其是在求同存异的时候。It involves a reputation of equality, especially in seeking common ground while accepting the existing difference.

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如果只是认识上有分歧,可以求同存异。If the differences between us are only a matter of understanding, we can shelve them and try to find common ground.

双方应始终坚持相互尊重、平等包容、求同存异、与时俱进的态度看待对方、了解对方、认识对方,超越意识形态和价值观念的差异,这是中欧之间增强互信的基本前提。We need to transcend differences in ideology and values, because this is the basic premise to enhance mutual trust.

作为中国人,从西方面子观中取长补短、求同存异是十分必要的。As a Chinese, it is necessary to seek common points and use the advantages of the western countries in face perception.

我相信,中欧双方在这一特殊时刻都将展现出这些优秀的素质,密切协作,求同存异,共同努力,推动中欧全面战略伙伴关系不断向前发展。I am sure that we have such qualities and will apply them to pushing forward our comprehensive and strategic partnership.

有不同意见应求同存异,应不断努力扩大我们的共同点。The two countries should seek common grounds while putting aside differences, and keep on expanding their common aspects.

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在这个转折点上,我们需要思考中国求同存异的外交战略。At this juncture, we need to contemplate China’s diplomatic strategy of acknowledging differences yet pursuing common goals.

它们只是一套最低限度的、能使我们求同存异的特征,我们相信其他人也能同意这些特征。They are rather a minimal set of features that we can agree on despite our differences, and believe others can agree on too.

麦凯恩呼吁批评右派“脱口秀”主持人和批评他本人的专家们考虑一下,大家有没有求同存异的可能。McCain asked right-wing talks show hosts and pundits who have criticized him to see if there are areas they can all agree on.