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他们朝著失火的方向跑去。They ran in the direction of the fire.

我想要报火警,榆树路12号失火了。I want to report a fire on 12 Elm Road.

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在回家的路上,他们看到一座失火的房子。On their way home, they saw a house afire.

昨晚第57街失火了。There was a fire on 57th Street last night.

科恩对房子失火的原因很有研究。Cohen is an expert on how houses catch fire.

传说吕洞宾家有一次失火。Legend has it that once Lü's home caught fire.

我家失火了,请派救火车来。My house is on fire. Plesae send a fire engine.

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在回家的路上,他们见到一所失火的房子。They saw a house afire while on their way home.

昨晚失火的是那座房子?Which is the house that caught fire last night?

失火的第二天,我去查看那堆废墟。On the day succeeding the fire, I visited the ruins.

若你家失火,你将先救什么?。If your house was on fire, what would you save first?

当货船失火时,他们凿开甲板以抢救船货。They scuttled the deck when the ship caught the fire.

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隔壁家失火啦,快来帮忙,救火啊!Next door lost fire, come quickly help, rescue the fire!

消防队员把旅客从失火的旅馆里撤出来。The firemen evacuated the guests from the burning hotel.

城门失火,殃及池鱼。A fire on the city gate brings disaster to the fish in the moat.

失火是由于电器打火引起的。The fire stemed from light stricken by the electrical appliance.

这个问题足以使你的神经元失火,然后发出咝咝声和冒烟。It's enough to make your neurons misfire , then sizzle and smoke.

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印尼一架喷射式客机失火,至少有21人遇难。At least21 people are dead after a fiery jetliner crash in Indonesia.

当天夜里,我在梦中被失火引发的叫喊声惊醒。On the night of the day, I was aroused from sleep by the cry of fire.

反馈包括失火和爆震检测显示或记录造幡巍怼啤笑桅痞兀狢上。Feedback Includes Misfire and Knock Detection Displayed or Logged on a PC.