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化合物3是一维螺旋结构。Compound 3 is a 1D spiral chain.

螺旋网带洗浆机。Helix wire mesh belt pulp washer.

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哼,她想看螺旋浆?。She wanted to see the propellers.

查引擎和螺旋?螺?。Check the engine and propeller bolts.

历史的发展是周期往复,螺旋上升的,历史的车轮不可阻挡。History is cyclical. The wheel turns.

幽门螺旋杆菌是耐胃酸的。H. pylori is resistant to gastric acid.

把螺旋铰刀给我拿过来。Pass me that reamer for making spirals.

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这只是整个螺旋的最基本层次。Just the very basic level of the spiral.

压紧盘片,调整螺旋高度。Tighten the disc height adjusting screw.

我们用螺旋钻在冰上钻洞。We make a hole in the ice with an auger.

仿真螺旋交织器系统。Simulation of helical interleaver system.

幽门螺旋杆菌是一种极为常见的细菌。H. pylori is an extremely common bacteria.

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修饰赢得,螺旋跳跃,第3版。Grooming To Win, Spiral-bound, 3rd Edition.

并具有螺旋式上升的特征。And they have the spirally rising character.

螺旋脉冲形成线实验研究。Experimental study on helical Blumlein line.

螺旋钻在一刻不停地挥舞着。Drills were set to work without intermission.

每一层都是以螺旋型的方式来建造。Each floor gradually builds up on the spiral.

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这有个土豆,这是螺旋锥。I have a potato here and here is a corkscrew.

在三维次元里,你看到双螺旋。In three dimensions. you see the double helix.

是谁教你写程式,编发,丢螺旋球?Or write a program? Or French braid your hair?