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红头发?Red hair?

爱抚她的头发。Pet her hair.

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帮我洗头发。Wash my hair.

我洗濯头发。I rie my hair.

吹头发。Blows the hair.

我喜欢我的头发.I like my hair.

这是她的头发吗?Is it her hair?

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头发真的是太长了。My hair is sobig.

他长着红头发。He's got red hair.

我换发型啦、我头发剪过啦。I had my hair cut.

把你的头发垂下来。Let down thy hair.

触摸她的头发。Touching her hair.

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洗头发太花时间了。Washing took time.

她的头发很凌乱。Her hair is untidy.

头发油腻腻的!My hair all greasy.

请吹干我的头发。Please dry my hair.

蓬乱的头发,标志性的。Tousled hair, tick.

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我吐出嘴里的头发。And I spat out hair.

头发是女人的生命。Hair is womens life.

他可以把头发剪了。He can cut his hair.