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没有树荫。No shade.

多叶的树下有树荫。Leafy trees cast shade.

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那树荫下的一潭。That lake under the Elm shadow.

那树荫下的一潭。The pond in the shadows of trees.

我在树荫下休息并掘地。I rest under shade trees and dug out areas.

老年人谈天说地树荫下。Old people talks of everything below shade.

我的树荫是给所有路过的客人的。The shade of my tree is for the passers-by.

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梅金弯腰在躲进了树荫,乘起了凉。Megan stooped down into the shade of a tree.

道路被浓密的树荫遮覆着。The road was arched over with thick foliage.

成群的鹦鹉忽而飞进树荫里,忽而飞入阳光里。Parrots in flocks dart in and out of the light.

我有时能跑在树荫下,甚至,甚至有了什么?I had occasional shade and even, wait what was that?

两头母牛躺卧在凉爽的树荫下,表现出洋洋得意的样子来。Two cows lay in the shade, the very picture of content.

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曾经在悠然自得的坐在树荫下剥花生。Happily enjoyed peanuts on the benches under the shades.

我们在一棵老树下坐了下来,那儿有树荫很凉爽。We sat down beneath an old tree where it was cool and shady.

我不知道。在走过一片浓重的樱桃色树荫前,她说。I don't know, she says, before going a bright shade of cerise.

王是否在其中散步,且在我灵的树荫下憩息?Does the King walk within, and rest in the bowers of my spirit?

卡恩说,指着树荫遮掩着一座小房子。’ said Cahn, pointing to a little house nestled into the trees.

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多少年轻的男男女女,在透过树荫的阳光下跳舞。To many a youth and many a maid, dancing in the chequer'd shade.

“我们得找个阴凉的地方,”梅金用手弄了块“树荫”。“We need to find shade, ” Megan said, using her hand as a shade.

这群人就在热带草原的树荫下休息。The group rested on the hot savannah under the shade of the tree.