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可以不停机直接在触摸屏上调整封切位置,纠偏等。On-line adjustment of cutting positing and film deviation.

能实现自动检测、自动纠偏、自动计米数。Automatic detection, rectification metering can be realized.

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自动纠偏控制一个端面的整齐度。Automatic rectify deviation control a end surface regularity.

然而,英特尔不断推出纠偏,在其计划。However, Intel constantly introduces correctives in its plans.

能实现自动检测、自动纠偏、自动计米数。Automatic detection, rectification and metering can be realized.

现在没有呈现很有用的主动纠偏体系。There has not been very usually automatic correction system yet.

纠偏行为是否到位并被相关人员所理解?Are corrective actions in place and understood by relevant staff?

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最后是修律过程从过分西化到有所纠偏。Lastly, the Codes were gradually corrected from over-Westernization.

力挺价格会延缓这一必然的纠偏过程,但是不会使它停止。Propping up prices will delay the inevitable correction, but it will not stop it.

即使是我们中那些最怀善意的人们有时也未能改斜纠偏。Even those of us with the best of intentions will at times fail to right the wrongs before us.

详细介绍了电感式纠偏控制的检测原理及其系统组成。Measuring principle and constitution of inductive strip centering control system are introduced.

同时也存在大偏差时纠偏缓慢,不能适应较大角度的转向控制等缺点。However, it has the shortage of slow adjusting when the vehicle is in the big deviation condition.

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当实际提供的服务与规定的服务级别发生偏差时,必须执行纠偏行动。Corrective actions are taken when actual service delivery deviates from the specified service levels.

提出了一种V型坡口光纹提取以及计算焊接纠偏量的方法。A method for detecting the image edge of V-groove and calculating the welding deviation was presented.

通过几种方法的综合应用,成功地解决了软硬不均地基倾斜危楼的纠偏加固问题。The correction is successful due to the application of various methods on the heterogeneous foundation.

研制的双管井多功能抽油光杆密封器采用二级密封方式,主要由抽油光杆扶正保护、纠偏和盘根密封部分组成。Aim at current disadvantage of bare tugging in dual tubing well, a new seal for bare tubing is developed.

应力解除法在房屋纠偏中得到了良好的运用而在井塔纠偏中还无先例。Stress relief method has been successfully used in rectifying building but none in rectifying shaft tower.

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带料纠偏试验结果已经证明了FNN预测控制的有效性。The experimental results of tape rectification have shown the effectiveness of the FNN predictive control.

对于激光切割点移动轨迹的多点自动纠偏技术也作了介绍。Meanwhile, the multidrop automatic rectification of the track of the laser cutting point is also commented.

针对复杂地基上的某倾斜危房,运用综合法进行加固和纠偏处理。An inclined dangerous building on the complicated soil was strengthened and rectified with multiple methods.