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这里没有求助服务热线。There's no helpline.

那没有互联网,没有同性新闻,没有同性热线,没有征友广告,没有骄傲的出柜名人。There is no internet. No Gay News.

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你知道他的热线电话是多少呢?Do you know how much his hotline is?

详询美国国税局信息热线1-800-829-1040。Contact IRS Information at 1-800-829-1040.

他经常收听热线交谈节目。He always listened to the call-in program.

所以,我使用谷歌搜索到平乐热线!So, I use Google search on the Pingle hot!

打给你们学校自杀或危机热线Call your campus suicide or crisis hotline.

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“爱情热线”撮合了许多对佳偶。Love Line has matched thousands of couples.

屋宇署电话热线由「1823电话中心」统筹处理。BD hotline is handled by '1823 Call Centre'.

详询美国农业部公共信息热线202-690-4730。Contact USDA Public Information at 202-690-4730.

还有一个政府网站和服务热线,There's a government website as well and helplines,

但设立军事热线是一个漫长而拖沓的进程。But setting it up was a long and protracted process.

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您对QAD热线支持有任何意见和建议吗?Do you have any suggestions on QAD hot line support?

你却在纽约新闻热线里对我表现得如此露骨。You slobbered all over me on the News Line New York!

系统上线后的热线服务,为客户提供随时的指导。Provide hotline support after the ERP system go live.

全天帮助热线1-800-272-3900。Call the 1-800-272-3900 hotline for help 24 hours a day.

苏美两国领导人签订了“热线协议书”。Soviet and American leaders sign the Hot Line Agreement.

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他没有透露两国这条热线最快何时设立。He did not say how soon the hotline would be established.

欲了解更多信息,请拔全国范围内的免费热线咨询电话。For more information, call the toll-free national hotline.

在现如今的生活中,热线是很普遍的,你这么认为吗?Hotlines are very common in today's life, do you think so?