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他是同僚中的落伍者。He is a fellow straggler in.

他是同僚中的穷光蛋。He is a fellow of the pauper.

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他是同僚中的怪客。He is a fellow of the stranger.

阁下,美国联邦调查局特派员弗勒里和他的同僚。She works for America's Federal Bureau of Investigation.

他的同僚都认为“可可猴”这称呼更适合他。His colleagues thought he should be called Koko the monkey.

在这个问题上,他受到了其他内阁同僚的唆使。In that he was goaded on by some of his cabinet colleagues.

犯了道德错误的人会被同僚和选民喜欢吗?Is the wrongdoer well liked by colleagues and constituents?

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同僚们用欢呼、拥抱和举手击掌欢迎她。Her colleagues greeted her with cheers, hugs and high-fives.

总统的同僚向他进言的渠道被阻塞了。Candid advice ot the President by his colleagues is inhibited.

总统的同僚向他进言的渠道被阻塞了。Candid advice to the president by his colleagues is inhibited.

由于他过度地自负,同僚们不喜欢他。His colleagues dislike him because of his excessive grandness.

长舌联合会的同僚们编目次编累了。Long Tongue League's colleagues are fatigued with cataloguing.

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因为你无法达到公正,如果你身边没有值得信赖的同僚与伙伴。For you cannot do so without friends and comrades you can trust.

找一位同僚为几位创业家组织月会。A colleague organises a monthly meeting for half a dozen entrepreneurs.

鲁梅尼格称,他的这一立场已经得到大批同僚的公开支持。Rummenigge said there was a groundswell of public support for his stance.

他的民主党同僚乔·曼钦表示,这份折衷方案还有很长的路要走。His Democratic colleague Joe Manchin says the compromise can go a long way.

但是斯泰纳和他的同僚们可能更加意识到了他们的局限性。But Steiner and his colleagues are probably more aware of their limitations.

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一群骨干右翼参议员曾企图左右自己的同僚。A hard-core group of right- wing senators had hoped to sway their colleagues.

时至今日,我们不也常常,藉由其学生或所属同僚来审视老师吗!We often don't we even today yes we often judge teachers by their students ?

而实际上,格鲁特及其同僚原来做的是偷猎者的营生。And actually, what Gelute and its colleague do so is the livelihood of poacher.