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但我现在是凉快的。But I'm cool now.

在热热的房间里,我喜欢凉快一点。I prefer this to a hot room.

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这个竹椅摸起来很凉快。The bamboo chair feels cool.

呆在背阴处吧--那儿凉快些。Stay in the shade it's cooler.

夏天很凉快,感觉非常好。Summer is cool here andit's good.

过了三伏,秋天就快到了,就凉快很多了。I hope that autumn will come soon.

试着在一个黑暗的,凉快的房间睡觉。Try to sleep in a dark, cool room.

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安东尼奥.班德拉斯可以一边凉快去了。Damn you to hell, Antonio Banderas.

大热天来次凉快的游泳是件乐事。On a hot day, a cool swim is a joy.

为什么不来一份冰淇淋凉快一下呢?So why not cool down with a gelato?

昆明是春城,很凉快。Spring City in Kunming is very cool.

我想进树林子里去凉快一下。I'm going into the woods to cool off.

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今天早上比预计的要凉快。This morning is cooler than expected.

这里是我今天待着的最凉快的地方了。This is the coolest I’ve been all day.

甜美的白昼,如此凉快、宁静、妖冶!Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright!

是啊,刚下完雨当然凉快了。Yeah. It's cool because it rained just now.

扇扇子时我们为什么会感到凉快些?Why do we feel cooler when we fan ourselves?

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你是怎样在如许热的天气下连结凉快的?How do you remain so cool in such hot weather?

太阳下山后,这房间就凉快了。The room was cool after the sun had gone down.

喝足量的水,在凉快的地方休息。Drink plenty of water and rest in a cool place.