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所以到头来只能胡猜。And so they wind up by guess and by gaily.

这还不算,到头来我还得面对那个同事。And I still had to deal with her in the end!

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做坏事的人到头来总会遭报应的。Evildoers are bound to be punished in the end.

到头来,竹篮打水一场空。Finally, it is like drawing water with a sieve.

什么?!到头来他都只是当我是只流浪猫而已。What. In the end he just when I was a stray cat.

然后到头来就会出现在TMZ网站上,这一类地方,then it ends up on TMZ and, you know, whatever, so

到头来他会背井离乡,在自助食堂里洗碗碟。He'd end up an exile washing dishes at the automat.

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每一等级的人到头来终有自己具体最崇拜的教皇。Each hierarchy culminates in its own particular Pope.

然而,这次远征到头来却成了一场可怕的误会。But the expedition turned out to be a terrible mistake.

到头来,他对说,大概又只是失眠。After all, he said to hilf, it's probably only insomnia.

不老实的人到头来总是要栽跟头的。Dishonest people are bound to come a cropper in the end.

善待乏味的人。有可能到头来你会为一个乏味的人工作。-----------比尔盖茨名言。Be mie to nerds chances are you'll end up working for one.

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我知道,但是不要因小失大。到头来廉价汽油会破坏汽车引擎。The cheap gas will ruin your car's engine in the long run.

我已遵循你的指引,为什么到头来它还会伤了我呢?Did this obeys your word now is coming back and harming me?

到头来都是为他人作嫁衣裳。Tis nought but making bridal clothes for other folk to wear.

到头来,一代艺人,竟惨死于饥饿。In the end, generation of artists, actually died from hunger.

善待乏味的人。有可能到头来你回为一个乏味的人工作。Be nice to nerds. Chances are you will end up working for one.

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他读了一辈子的书,到头来不过是一个彻底的老夫子。He has been reading books all his life, and has become a pedant.

“到头来还是要迂回向民众征税”,豪特说。“It ends up being a roundabout way to tax people, ” Hauter says.

急于想发横财的投机者到头来往往破产。Speculators eager to earn a fast buck often wind up in bankruptcy.