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山坡上躺着一个牧童。On the hillside lay a cowboy.

牧童与绵羊,绿树和小溪Sheep and shepherds, trees and crooks

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牧童遥指杏花村。The distant Apricot Blossoms Village.

马托格罗索州一间牛场的牧童。A vaquero cattle ranch in Mato Grosso.

马托格罗索州一间牛场的牧童。A vaquero on a cattle ranch in Mato Grosso.

牧童把他的羊群赶向山坡。The cowboy drove his sheep at the hillside.

牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天嘹亮地响着。The cowboy is blowing his flute all day long.

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他的脑海中浮现出一个年轻牧童的形象。In his mind, he envisioned a young shepherd boy.

羊羔欢跃喜洋洋,牧童整天笛声扬。Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day.

一个手里拿着一只鸟笼的小牧童,笼里还有一只鸟。The shepherd boy holding a cage with a bird in it.

在东方的旷野中,牧童总是走在羊群前头的。The Oriental shepherd was always ahead of his sheep.

牧童套住了一只在灌木丛边的小牛。The cowboy lassoed a calf which was beside the bush.

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很久以前,有一个非常顽皮的牧童。Once upon a time there was a very naughty shepherd boy.

牧童将牛集在一起将它们赶到市场上去。The cowboys herded the cattle and drove them to market.

漳县端午,牧童祀山神。Zhangxian Dragon Boat Festival, cowboy mountain worship.

只剩下最初的那个牧童,他依然安静地站立在森林的深处。Nobody left but the cowboy still standing calmly in the forest.

那位勇敢的牧童把一群羊赶下山坡。The brave cowboy is herding a flock of sheep to descend a slope.

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在一个小山村里住着一个小牧童。The young boy raised sheep far away form the village all by himself.

牧童牛背春香路,游子马蹄梦醉乡。Chunxiang shepherd boy Cattle Road, Horseshoe wandering Zuixiang dream.

牧童欢快的表情栩栩如生,好象是特意来欢迎我们的。Cheerful expression goatherd lifelike, seem to be specially to welcome us.