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你的生活里有多少零碎时间?What time pockets do you have in your life?

我们把所有零碎东西从巴士上清理下来。We have emptied the bus of all our detritus.

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☆善用零碎时,分秒不浪费Make use of bits and pieces, do not waste time

这是一种“零碎的、临时的”办法,他说。It was a "piecemeal, ad hoc" approach, he said.

密封袋能保护食物并减少零碎和垃圾。Sealable bags secure food and reduce bulk and garbage.

他小便后,还会有少量零碎地滴下。He distills a little urine after he has accomplished urinating.

其余的人,可以用板子,或船上的零碎东西上岸。And the rest, some on boards, some on broken pieces of the ship.

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他们如今正在给一家银行重新装置警报零碎。Next month they're installing new alarms in a bank in Marylebone.

对我而言根本没花费什么,因为这些小零碎我都有呢。The cost for me was nothing, as I had all the little bits on hand.

其馀的人,可以用板子,或船上的零碎东西上岸。And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship.

妈妈把零碎布头拼成一幅桌布。Mother pieced together odds and ends of cloth and made a tablecloth.

海滩宽阔,到处是有趣的被冲上岸的零碎什物。The beaches are wide and filled with interesting flotsam and jetsam.

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所留存的一些零碎笔记满是故事的试作。The few surviving scraps of notes are crammed with story tentatives.

零碎的各种项目穿越五个镇区,纽约市正在一点点被重新塑造。Piecemeal across the five boroughs, New York is gradually being remade.

第一、哲学全书排斥只是零碎的知识的聚集,例如,文字学似属于此类的知识。An encyclopaedia of philosophy excludes three kinds of partial science. I.

这些过往经历的主人把它们当作是零碎的半记忆片段。The owners of these experiences recognize them as fragmentary semimemories.

在工作过程中,您很可能需要临时存放一些零碎的文本。As you work, you most likely need to store little pieces of text temporarily.

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这几天都没得闲,都是在忙一些零碎的事。In the past few days were not free, are busy in a number of things piecemeal.

当你在家中等待一些人或事的时候,零碎时间会经常出现。Time pockets often arise at home when you're waiting for someone or something.

贵州从江县地形零碎,山高坡陡,熟田较少,垦殖率很低。With high mountains and steep slopes, Congjiang County has little fertile land.