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缓冲池命中率对于监控非常重要。Buffer pool hit ratio is very important to monitor.

但篮板弥补了他在命中率方面的劣势。Rebounding was his way of atoning for his inaccuracy.

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该足球运动员因射门命中率低而被换下场。The football player was benched because of poor hitting.

梅斯奎塔的预测命中率使他与众不同。What may make Bueno de Mesquita different is his hit rate.

现在的缓冲池命中率就显示了较好的结果。The buffer pool hit ratio is now showing excellent results.

今晚的比赛是他们和我们对手战中命中率较高的一晚。Tonight was one of their better shooting nights against us.

迈克尔?乔丹投篮命中率勉强过半。Michael Jordan makes barely half of his field-goal attempts.

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乔丹比科比命中率高多了Jordan Shot a Much Higher Percentage from the Field Than Kobe

在此处,我们对读写缓存命中率感兴趣。Here, we are interested in the read and write cache hit rates.

关于0.280的命中率,还要看是哪种进球。More importantly what kind of hits did you get in hitting . 280.

火箭目前得分排名第16,投篮命中率第26。The Rockets are 16th in scoring, 26th in field -goal percentage.

发球命中率和拦网水平有明显的提高。The service scoring and block level had been improved distinctly.

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他们平均每场得101.8分,处在联盟第二位,投篮命中率达46%。They're averaging 101.8, second in the league, on 46 percent shooting.

例如,使用此关联会产生较高的缓存命中率。For example, with this affinity there would be a higher cache-hit rate.

此外,它还返回命中率低时的时间间隔。In additon, it returns the time intervals when the low hit ratio occurred.

所以保持较低的力度,通过控制球最后的上升高度来帮助提高命中率。So keeping the power lower, helps with overal final height of the rising shot.

菲尔杰克逊对于湖人26中16的罚球命中率有一个独特的解释。Phil Jackson had a peculiar theory for the Lakers' 16-for-26 free throw shooting.

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在接下来的在休斯顿的两场比赛中,罗伊的投篮命中率被限制在61投24中。In the series' twogames in Houston, Roy was held to 24-of-61 shooting from the field.

掘金上半场的44-42领先要感谢他们在罚球线上的高命中率。The Nuggets led 44-42 at halftime thanks to their advantage from the free-throw line.

使用一个缓冲池,但是增加其大小直至索引命中率停止增长。Use one buffer pool, but increase its size until the index hit ratio stops increasing.