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一个人自个儿瞎琢磨的,叫犯贱。A person was thinking, called.

让我们自个儿朗读课文吧。Allow us to read the text alone.

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“我是老虎家族的一员。”猫自个儿嘀咕。"I belong to the tiger family, " purred the cat.

难道要自个儿闷在心里一辈子啊?Want son is in mind muggy during a lifetime from?

我走在大街上,自个儿在心底嘲笑这些人类。I walked the streets, sneering at humans to myself.

一包刀片不会自个儿跑掉藏起来的。A package of razor blades doesn't run away and hide.

你打算站在那跟自个儿嘟囔个没完是吗?Are you just going to stand there muttering to yourself?

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让婴儿自个儿睡一会儿,也许她就会睡著。Leave the baby alone for a while and she may go to sleep.

赚了赔了都是您自个儿的,风险挺大。Whatever you earn and loss you suck it up, SO it is big risk.

我很是不爽,甚至都害怕自个儿出去买东西了。I felt uncomfortable, and even afraid, of going out by myself.

“干了很多事。你知道的!”我真盼望她让我自个儿待着。"Lots of stuff, you know. " I wish she would just leave me alone.

她那么明智的人当然不至于自个儿去解决这类问题。She certainly knows better than to tackle such problems by herself.

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嘿废柴!我发现你又在把自个儿的东西到处乱丢。Hey loser! I see you're still leaving your stuff all over the place.

“我去打开琴,伊丽莎,下文如何,你自个儿明白。”"I am going to open the instrument, Eliza, and you know what follows."

他只顾自个儿在冰上叹惜,竟不知所措起来。He is in from height merely ice bewail, be at a loss unexpectedly rise.

你们说他们会对“你自个儿算去吧”。女士做什么处理?So tell me, what exactly were they retouching on Ms. "You do the math"?

他滔滔不绝直到把自个儿憋得透不过气来,随后又像约旦河相同沉默无语。He have be voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan.

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他感人地说,自个儿别无他求,只求能成为祖国谦卑的仆人。For himself he wanted nothing but to be the humble servant of his country.

经过两个月梦赝般的经历,终于,他们可以回到自个儿的家。After two months of nightmares they will finally be returning to their home.

我自个儿是无力解决这个问题了,也许来自外部的看法能给我帮助,谢谢你。I don't know though, and an outside perspective would certainly be appreciated.