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不要高兴得忘乎所以。Don't be too happy to forget yourself.

不要高兴得忘乎所以。Don’t be so happy as to forget everything.

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不要高兴得忘乎所以。donnot so glad that you forget who are you.

她们开始有点忘乎所以了。They're starting to get a little carried away.

在胜利面前不要忘乎所以。One mustn't be carried away by one's successes.

不要忘乎所以!冷静一点。Don't get carried away! Be a little more levelheaded.

她的争论更加忘乎所以,更加强烈。Her arguments became more desperate and more vehement.

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如果有一天,我忘乎所以,请把我留在,在这时光里。If one day, I forget oneself, please send me to stay in, in this time.

那些年轻人拿着机关枪,忘乎所以。Those young teenagers are carrying machine guns, and they feel trigger-happy.

基米·范林丁凝视着她的眼睛,忘乎所以,像换了一个人似的。Jimmy Valentine looked into her eyes, forgot what he was, and became another man.

希西家王激动得忘乎所以,向巴比伦的信使们展示他宫殿中的财宝。Hezekiah was so excited that he showed the messengers all those treasures in his house.

一张美国制造的音乐唱片会让我乐得忘乎所以,并且我会在我所有的朋友前面炫耀!嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿…A made in USA music disk will make me inflated, and I may parade it before all my friends!

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杰姆对这一回的经过,得意得忘乎所以,甚至不把别的黑奴放在眼里。Jim was monstrous proud about it, and he got so he wouldn't hardly notice the other niggers.

演示者常常会忘乎所以,又开始犯了上一招的错误,只不过换成项目符号的形式而已。Presenters often get carried away and begin to repeat the mistakes of the previous tip only in bullet form.

但是在海滨当一群姑娘围着观赏他鼓鼓的肌肉的时候,他就觉得飘飘然而忘乎所以了。But then he's in hog heaven down at the beach when the girls crowd around to admire all his bulging muscles.

但是在海滨当一群姑娘围着观赏他鼓鼓的肌肉的时候,他就觉得飘飘然而忘乎所以了。But then he's in hog heaven down at the beach when the girls crowd around to admire all his bulging muscles.

美丽得让你相信它真的会实现,华丽得让你沉醉在其中忘乎所以。Was so beautiful and you believe it really will be achieved, gorgeous too carried away, in which you indulge.

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开发员和程序员都是些一丝不苟的家伙,有时候开发员甚至会忘乎所以,超越自我。Developers and programmers are meticulous individuals, and developers sometimes stand out even among themselves.

当他再也受不了,就要闯进去的时候,屋里传出来稚嫩的哭声。王龙立刻高兴得忘乎所以了。When he could bear no more and was about to break into the room, a thin, fierce cry came out and he forgot everything.

然而好景不长,我父亲是乡村中朱家郭解一流的人物,仗“义”施财,忘乎所以。A good time never lasts long. Father then became a first-class personality so that he was so generous as to forget himself.