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于是,扬声器不再发出乐曲声了My boombox stops giving off music.

内置扬声器支持免提以及音乐播放Speaker for speakerphone and music

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一个S5扬声器单元,或者多个S5单元。An S5 speaker unit, or more than one.

新型的扬声器重量轻、体积小,可以很容易的克服这些困难,是一种真正的环绕声技术。It is a truly surround-sound technology.

然后在每个鱼缸里面沉入扬声器。Then they immersed a speaker in each tank.

每个扬声器有一个面朝后的低音炮。Each loudspeaker has a rear facing subwoofer.

她通过扬声器说话的声音失真了。Her voice over the loudspeaker was distorted.

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数分钟后,墙上的扬声器传来更多的消息。Minutes later, more word came over the transom.

扬声器在公园里播放音乐。The loudspeaker blared the music over the park.

声能扬声器系统于1993年推出。ACOUSTIC ENERGY speaker system introduced in 1993.

也可使用扬声器或者调制解调器的拨电话号码。It also dials phone numbers using speaker or modem.

在供电,2路,全系列扬声器系统。The powered, 2 way, full range loudspeakers systems.

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直接在扬声器或播放器自动播放音乐。Direct playback music on any sound-system or speaker.

将扬声器连接在唱机上,再插上插头。Connect the speakers to the record player and plug it in.

这里需要扬声器所播放的音乐格式为单声道格式。This setup would require the speaker music in mono format.

这是一个公安局环绕扬声器右侧墙上。This is one of the PSB surround speakers on the right wall.

激励源为扬声器或者喷嘴气流。The exciter could select loudhailer or gas flow of injector.

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假设我拿着我的扬声器给你们播放音乐Suppose I hold up my boom box for you and it's playing music.

增强电脉冲的放大器和将放大信号还原成声的扬声器。The voltage of the amplified signal at the loudspeaker is 2V.

松下电子部品主要生产扬声器。Panasonic Electronic Devices Co. , Ltd. mainly produces speakers.