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我能感受到你在蛊惑我的心智。I can feel that you mesmerize my heart.

据说蛇能蛊惑小动物。Snakes are said to fascinate small animals.

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据说蛇能蛊惑小动物和小鸟。Snakes are said to fascinate small animals and birds.

运用视觉引诱蛊惑人有很多技巧。There are far subtler ways that sight bewitches and beguiles.

我会教你们如何蛊惑意志,俘获感觉。I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.

忘记在绿野仙踪的咯咯地叫绿色女巫,忘了从蛊惑萨曼莎。Forget the cackling green hag in The Wizard of Oz, forget Samantha from Bewitched.

庞茨的骗局吸引了成百上千的投资者,这些人被他所谓的才华而蛊惑。Ponzi’s business drew in thousands of investors, bewitched by his supposed prowess.

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你们以为你们这些煽动者只是利用你们的媒体优势去蛊惑无知的人而已。Do you think you instigators only use your advantages to the media to confuse ignorance of it.

除过占卜和神秘的蛊惑,拥有如此力量,我们只能依靠做梦。Fortune telling and mystical mumbo-jumbo aside, it has been a power about which we can only dream.

不过,你比较容易受他人的谄媚所蛊惑,这或许就是你容易草率作出决定的原因。You are, however, somewhat vulnerable to flattery, which may be the cause of hasty decision making.

在世界的舞台上,民主和自由仍在继续对抗着战争、迫和蛊惑煽动。On the world stage, democracy and freedom have continued to defy war, and oppression, and demagogues.

所以,让他们别再扭曲圣经的原义,也别蛊惑我们中间单纯的人。Therefore, let them not falsify the divine Scriptures nor scandalize the simple ones in the community.

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我的许多受访者后,深入探讨和蛊惑下,重定向的问题回到我身边。Many of my interviewees, after being thoroughly probed and prodded, redirected the questions back to me.

这,或许就是他豪放中稍带煽动性地“蛊惑”网友的动因之一吧。Perhaps this is one of motives that he seditiously "fooled" netizens with his uninhibited characteristics.

所以这些童男童女无知,受迷信之蛊惑,而失去真正的目标和方向。In their ignorance, those boys and girls were seduced by superstition and lost their true goal and direction.

萨科奇所在的人民工党联盟多位成员指责他被新婚配偶所“蛊惑”,忘了自己的阵营。Members of Mr Sarkozy's UMP party accuse him of being bewitched by his new spouse and forgetting his own camp.

在现代社会的所有虚假宣传中,总统竞选可能是最具蛊惑性的一个。Of all the false intimacies of modern life, the promise of a presidential campaign may be the most misleading.

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显然,广告的创意在于蛊惑那些高薪女性去购买原本不该是自己买给自己的钻戒。Obviously, the idea is to get well-paid women to buy their own diamonds, something they traditionally do not do.

这是一个有关爱的故事,有关变幻莫测的复杂和超凡脱俗的简单,有关一个永远的承诺,有关蛊惑、虔诚和伟大。This is a story about love. About inscrutable complexity and remarkable simplicity, about the promise of forever.

只有蛊惑民心的政客而非负责任的领导才会告诉人民,如果当选,他将解决他们所有的问题。No responsible leader, only a demagogue, would tell the people that, if elected, he will solve all their problems.