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他是一个油嘴滑舌的推销员。He is a glib salesman.

是的,很油嘴滑舌。Yes, she is so mealy-mouthed.

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别给我油嘴滑舌的回答!Don't give me any smart answers!

我不喜欢那些油嘴滑舌的推销员。I don't like those slippery salesmen.

他腻烦那些油嘴滑舌的政客。He was tired of those mealy-mouthed politicians.

吉姆,”他说,“我才不相信你那油嘴滑舌的话呢。”Jim, ” he says, “I’m not buying your line of shit.”

瞧,我那贪吃的哥哥又开始油嘴滑舌了。Oh look, there goes my gluttonous older brother smooth-talking again.

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无论如何,我不想太油嘴滑舌。有两个关键区别I don't want to be too glib, however. There are a couple of key differences

无论如何,我不想太油嘴滑舌。I don’t want to be too glib, however. There are a couple of key differences

早中期的作品都是油嘴滑舌,投机倒把,见缝插针的类型。In the middle of early works are slippery, speculation and profiteering, TDD type.

我告诉苏西不要和那些油嘴滑舌、衣着讲究的城里人出去玩。I told Susie to avoid those city slickers with their smooth talk and fancy clothes.

美国最高级别的医生位子将由一个油嘴滑舌的电视明星占据吗?SHOULD the post of America's top doctor be filled by a smooth-talking television star?

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李蓓佳的机智、聪明和油嘴滑舌使她很快就在伦敦的一群人中走俏。Rebecca's wit, cleverness, and flippancy made her speedily the vogue in London among a certain class.

在苹果这个油嘴滑舌者面前,便携式宽带看起来不够性感,不值得追—无线数据使用得很少。Before Apple's smooth-talker, portable broadband didn't look juicy enough to chase—cellular data usage was slim.

一般的好男人以为说情话是油嘴滑舌,轻浮肉麻的表现,所以不愿去做。The general good man thinks to say the sweet prattle is flippant, frivolous and disgusting performance, so don't wish to do.

当被问到特里近期卷入的争议时,布拉特的回答油嘴滑舌、言辞粗鲁,并且毫无依据。When asked about the recent controversy engulfing John Terry, Blatter’s response was as glib and offensive as it was baseless.

再过二十年,等到美国公路和大桥都烂掉了,他们就不会再发表这些油嘴滑舌的评论了。Over the next twenty years as the US roadways and bridges further decay there won't be much call for that sort of glib response.

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一般的好男人以为说情话是油嘴滑舌,轻浮肉麻的表现,所以不愿去做。Some traditional men regard speaking affective words as the behavior of glib, flirtatious and disgusting, so they would rather not to say.

我无意要油嘴滑舌,上帝的旨意总是难以捉摸,但你不用一个人苦苦思索。I don't mean sound glib. It's not always easy deciphering what God is trying to tell you, but it's not something you have to figure out all by yourself.

文红旗起身要走时被兰贵成拉住,兰贵成对她油嘴滑舌,文红旗提出和他结婚,这让他十分高兴。Red flag rose up and walking to be LanGuiCheng pulls, LanGui her flippant in pairs, the red flag is put forward and he married, this made him very happy.