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无论累不累,汤姆。Tired or not, Tom.

我无论怎样都爱你。Hey, I love U anyway.

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无论无何我得说出真相。I must tell the truth.

而无论我们奔往哪里。While wherever we fly.

额,无论怎样,他还是那样做了。Well, he did it anyway.

无论你在哪,都要会寻找乐趣。Make fun whenever you are.

无论你在哪儿,都要会寻找乐趣。Make fun wherever you are.

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无论是什么,放下它们。Whatever it is, let it go.

无论习惯的好坏,你的每一个习惯都是迎合需求的。Your habits fulfill needs.

无论无何,他是怎么知道的?Anyway, how did he know that?

不过无论怎样,他为其命名But in any case, he named it.

无论天气如何,她都要外出。She goes out in all weathers.

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我们无论怎样称赞他都不为过分。We cannot praise him too much.

无论怎样,还是感谢大卫一家。Whatever thank for the Davids.

无论走到哪里,他都被人们簇拥着。He was mobbed wherever he went.

无论你做哪一件和每一件事情。In each and every thing you do.

要变,无论何时都不晚。It is never too late to change.

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无论我们现在做什么都太晚了。Whatever we do now is too late.

我无论在哪都能看到你的双眼。Evry where I look I see Ur eyes.

额,无论怎样,我都要搬出去。Well, I'm gonna move out anyway.