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这是我的演讲稿选编本。This is the edited version of my speech.

这是我在选编时理所当然的想到的。That's certainly what this compilation has me thinking.

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这二十一篇文献及其简介由冯媛选编。These initial twenty one materials have been selected by Feng Yuan.

分别确立指导性案例的选编和公布主体。Recommendations are to establish guidance and publishing case subjects.

等了九年,才又有这么一次机会,谢谢选编者。After waiting for nine years, such a chance comes, thanks to the editors.

选编专门性的言语教育材料要尊重幼儿的诗性逻辑并注重汉语的特性。One is the special material of parol education, the other is the infiltrative.

主要从选编教学案例及案例教学实施程序等二方面展开。Organization and implementation of case-based geography teaching in two aspects.

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他们根据网路的评论,选编了一部散文集。They selected and compiled an anthology of essays according to criticisms on the Internet.

你们需要读一下让写的导言,读一下他写的注释,从中可以看出他选编的多样化。You should read Jahan Ramazani's introduction, read his prose notes that preface his various selections.

我们选编了一些精彩的照片,并为您简要介绍其他利物浦球员在各自国家队的表现。We've compiled some great photos as well as news of how other Liverpool players fared for their countries.

企业外语培训中教材选编是教学成功与否的关键因素。To select and compile textbooks in foreign language training in enterprise is the key factor of successful teaching.

其中普通高校音乐公选课教材的选编是教材建设中最首要的问题。For the construction, the selection and compilation of music teaching material for ordinary university students is foremost.

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第四部分论述夏丐尊的语文教材观,包括夏氏对于选编语文教材的认识以及实践活动。Xia's opinions of teaching methods and in part four, I plan to analyze his views of teaching materials and practices as well.

本教材以功能项目为主线,围绕学习者感兴趣的话题选编语料,注意突出语言结构。Mainly based on the functional items, topics that can interest the learners are selected, with emphasis on language structure.

在本书后面的部分章节中,我为那些想两人合练的人们选编了部分伸展与指压性按摩练习程序。Towards the end of the book there is a small selection of stretches and shiatsu exercises for two people who want to work out together.

另外,在宋人别集的重辑、选编和注释上,明人也取得了一定的成绩。Moreover, the men of the Ming Dynasty had also achieved some achievements in the recompile , selection and note of anthologies of the men of the Song Dynasty.

分析课文选编的外国文学作品的优点,指出其存在的问题,并在此基础上提出改革建议,是本研究报告的任务。The task of this thesis, is to analyse the superiority and inferiority of the selection of literature works in Chinese textbooks, and put forward the reform advices.

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这六首作品是从他先后创作的十几首前奏曲中整理选编而成的一套,每一首都有一个小标题,并载入了他的个人作品选集。This six works from his Preludes has created a dozen or so in order into a set of a selection of. Each capital city has a subtitle, and loaded his personal anthology.

笔者将分来源、选辑者和选编标准等几个主要方面对其国内的研究状况作一个梳理,以便引起研究者对它的重视。This thesis will make a summarize of its studies from its source, the one who select and compile and the selected standards, in order to make it attached importance on.

作者在第三部分设计了泛读的实验,包括阅读材料的选编和实验过程。The writer designs the extensive reading experiment in the third part, which includes the selecting and compiling reading materials and the procedures of the experiment.