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是激光列阵吗?Is that a laser array?

选择半导体激光管。To choose laser diode.

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我们保存激光唱片。We keep a laser record.

需要我的激光棒。I need my laser pointer.

茱莉亚,用强激光!Julia! Press Light lasers!

激光唱片在抽屉里。The CDs are in the drawer.

他拥有大量的激光唱片。He has an abundance of CDs.

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用激光枪来连续射击我吧!Hit me with that lazer-gun!

我比哈里有更多的激光唱盘。I have more CDs than Harry.

激光辅材在哪里?Where’s the laser material?

选用激光木样刀模。Adopt laser wood die cutter.

一座激光炮塔瞄准了博加。A laser turret targeted Boga.

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激光治疗尖锐湿疣。Laser treatment of condyloma.

你能递给我那个激光唱机吗?Can you pass me the CD player?

我把那束激光对准了自己。I turned that laser on myself.

那些激光唱片在你的背包里。Those CDs are in your backpack.

你可以把激光唱片带到学校来吗?You can bring the CD to school.

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激光点痔会不会留下疤?Can laser dot naevus leave scar?

产品是否具有激光部件?Does this device employ a laser?

你不应该玩激光唱盘。You shouldn't play with the CDs.