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但这种说法是靠不住的。But it's unreliable.

他说谎,大吹牛皮,他靠不住。He lies, he bluffs, he's unreliable.

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这是一个相当靠不住的论调。This is a fairly fallacious argument.

即使当我靠不住时,上帝始终可靠。Even when I'm unreliable, God is reliable.

把优势建筑在权力上是靠不住的。A leading role built on power is unreliable.

我们知道这种人是靠不住的。We know such people are not to be relied upon.

我不信他讲的那一套,他的话听起来有些靠不住。I don't believe his story, it sounds a bit lame.

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允诺常常是靠不住的。Promises are , like piecrust , made to be broken.

择妻选麻布,灯下靠不住。Choose neither a woman nor linen by candle- light.

她可能忘记来了,她这个人靠不住。She may forget to come----she's not very reliable.

如果有紧急情况,哈利是靠不住的。If there is an emergency, you would not count on hary.

我从来都没有想到你是如此的靠不住。I never would have thought you could be so untrustworthy.

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英国的天气从来靠不住-它在不停地变。British weather can never be relied upon -its always changing.

我决不会和他做生意,他看上去靠不住。I'd never go into business with him. He seems squirrelly to me.

即便如此,阿富汗政府军还是靠不住而又不称职的。Even so, Afghan government forces are unreliable and incompetent.

使用蜂窝网络和无线太贵是靠不住的。Using the cell network is too expensive and wireless is unreliable.

这样的人会让我觉得他们很靠不住,而且还会给我一个很糟糕的印象。I think it makes them unreliable and leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

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作为B队一名靠不住的队员,那名妇女在下次考验前被淘汰了。As a shady member of Team B, that woman was eliminated befor the next test.

但是说到时间和天气,记忆会开玩笑,靠不住的。But memory is a tricky thing and unreliable when it comes to time or weather.

跟她联合?才不会呢!她这人靠不住。相信她,你死定了。Join up with her?Not on your life. She is unreliable. Trust her, and you die.