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此路到此为止。The road ends here.

好,到此为止。Anyway, enough of that.

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游戏到此为止,人类孩子。No more games, man-cub.

好了,今天到此为止。Okay. That's it for today.

陆地到此为止了。The solid ground ended here.

好,到此为止Okay. That's all we have to do.

今天到此为止吧,大家回家吧。Let's call it a day and go home.

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“好了,到此为止。”布伦先生说。"Here we are, " says Mr. Bullen.

好的,今天的热场到此为止Okay. So that's our warm-up for today.

二项分布的介绍到此为止So, that is the binomial distribution.

然而,恢复计划没有到此为止。Yet restoration plans don't stop there.

图21展示了到此为止我们所做的工作。Figure 21 shows what we have done so far.

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到此为止,她还没有完完全全偏离自己的轨道。She has not veered wholly off-course—yet.

但这些收购的影响力也只能到此为止。But these acquisitions can only go so far.

您请便,我的工作到此为止了Do whatever you want, my work here is done

音乐风格的探讨到此为止So that's the end of the discussion of genre.

施舍先及亲友,但不应到此为止。Charity begins at home,but should not end there.

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阅读学术期刊只会让我到此为止。Reading scholarly journals will only get me so far.

好啦,请到此为止吧,指不定哪一天我会让你伤心欲碎的!Sorry, please give up , I'll break your heart one day!

可是程如山默认了曾聪明的做法让这件事到此为止。But Cheng Rushan default it was smart to let it go so far.