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有巢氏阶段的文化遗存为凌家滩遗址。The cultural bequeath of Youchao is Ling-jia-tan site.

刀郎木卡姆是人类狩猎社会的文化遗存。Dulan Muqam is the cultural legacy of human hunting society.

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它们都是从一个解体的帝国被分割出来的新国家,何况从那个帝国遗存下来的国家——俄罗斯,今天依然拥有大规模的核武库。Russia—continues to have a large arsenal of nuclear weapons today.

是中国北齐时期遗留下来的最大的石窟遗存。They are the biggest cave legacy remained from Northern Qi Dynasty.

现在,这些表演虽仍有遗存,但能作高技艺旋转者已很少。Such performances remain today, but dancers no longer spin that well.

兽面纹究竟是一种图腾崇拜的遗存或仅是一种艺术图案的省略与变化?Do these patterns belong to a worship to totem or just an art pattern?

鼓腔用陶土烧制--是土鼓的遗存。The drum cavity is made of pottery clay, inherited from the earth drum.

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高淳历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,文物遗存较多。Gaochun has long history, deep cultural connotation and many heritage sites.

长期以来,这些遗存一直被归入察吾呼文化中。These remains have been regarded as a part of Chawuhu Culture for long time.

旧石器文化遗存主要发现在南区第4层。Palaeolithic remains are identified in the fourth layer of the Southern zone.

比如,制作陶器就是泰勒所认为的遗存之一。The making of pottery is an example of a survival in the sense used by Tylor.

襄樊邓城区域是楚文化遗存分布的一个重要区域。Dengcheng area in Xiangfan is an important region for its Chu cultural remains.

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世界自然遗产是大自然馈赠给人类的珍贵遗存。The world natural heritages are precious remains granted to humankind by nature.

巨石阵也许是遗存至今最令人感到神秘的史前建筑。Stonehenge is perhaps the most astounding construct of pre-history still standing.

“大汶口文化”内涵丰富,有墓葬、房址等遗存。"Dawenkou Culture, " has rich connotations, burials , the site remains, and so on.

这处岩画经有关专家论证定为距今三千年的塞人遗存。Here the rock by the relevant experts as three thousand years ago remains of Serbs.

钟楼是一个已远去的时代仅存的几样遗存物之一,维护得很好。The clock tower, one of the very few remnants of a by-gone era, is very well maintained.

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现主要遗存有城内中心广场、帕拉蒂诺皇宫残迹。There remains of the city are the main central square, the Royal Palace Palatino traces.

古迹遗存众多,人文景观独特,旅游资源有待开发。Remains of the many monuments, unique human landscape, tourist resources to be developed.

三都澳区位优越,具有悠久的历史及遗存。Sandu'Ao has preponderance on geographical location and has centuries-old history and relic.