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我拿到了匈奴王的宝剑。I've got attila 's sword.

匈奴未灭,何以家为?The Hun is not out, why home?

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单于是指匈奴的首领。Chanyu means the chief of Xiongnu.

笑谈渴饮匈奴血。Laughingly drink the Tartars' blood.

我用刺刀一些杀害大量的匈奴。I bayoneted some killed lots of Huns.

在你左边的是匈奴大帝阿提拉。On the left there is your Attila the Hun.

他认为他是匈奴王阿提拉的化身。He thinks he's the reincarnation of attila the hun.

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匈奴国以现今的匈牙利为中心。The Hun kingdom was centered in modern-day Hungary.

匈奴中有不少来自中原的“秦人”。There were many Qin people coming from Zhongyuan area.

匈奴王阿提拉曾令东欧人民胆寒。Attila struck terror into the people of Eastern Europe.

追溯到他们的祖先匈奴的休屠王。They trace their ancestry to King Xiutu of the Xiongnu.

匈奴人可以轻易地打败我们并且把我们全部杀死。The Huns would have easily taken over and killed us all.

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但是钱穆说他可能也有匈奴血统。But Qian Mu mentioned he might have hunnish blood as well.

王昭君出塞以后,生活在匈奴游牧地区几十年。Wang Zhaojun lived in the Huns? encampments for many years.

哥特人是被匈奴人赶入罗马境内的。The Goths are being driven into Roman territory by the Huns.

争夺单于继承权的斗争直接导致了匈奴的分裂。The direct causation is the fighting for the Chanyu's heirdom.

这天深夜,班超带了36个士兵潜到匈奴营地。At night, Ban Chao and his 36 men snuck up to the Xiongnu camp.

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匈奴贵人使者作为单于先行而入汉,死于中原。The envoys tried to enrage Hun and made Chanyu to fight with Han.

为什么不似卫青、霍去病一样北伐匈奴?Why do not you like Wei Qing, Huo as the Northern Expedition Hun?

匈奴人所得到的辉煌,永远都是建立在战争上的。Most people had defined the Huns as fast-coming, then left nothing.