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他是在奢华的环境中长大的。He was cradled in luxury.

她过着奢华的生活。She is rolling in luxury.

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康派,精神奢华倡者。Advocator of Luxury in Spirit.

世界上最奢华的狩猎之旅The world's most deluxe safari.

你知道,试着过奢华的日子。You know, try to live the life.

这才是可以触摸的奢华。All these are touchable luxuries.

你想拥有一个尽显奢华,豪气蓬勃的领域吗?Do you want to have a luxury area?

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奢华旅游业江河日下。Luxury travel is going downstream.

伊索尔德生长在一个奢华的世界里。Isolder grew up in a world of luxury.

看着我,我的儿子,我不爱奢华。Look at me, my son. I do not love pomp.

璀灿生辉,带你进入品位奢华生活世界。Sparkling, bring u to the luxury world.

凡尔赛宫廷中奢华的生活。The brilliant court life at Versailles.

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这里是汽车城,我们以打造奢华为本。This is the Motor City. This is what we do.

帮他们在一间漂亮奢华的饭店登记。Check them into a gorgeously luxurious hotel.

不过我想,最奢华的莫过于“钱包要鼓”的观念了。I think the fat wallet idea is the classiest.

你喜欢一个华丽而不奢华的家么?Do you like a gorgeous luxury home without it?

她极力设法恢复她的奢华生活。She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life.

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宫廷的奢华生活使她变得萎靡不振。She was enervated by the luxury of palace life.

在这个奢华的度假胜地,你可以像国王一样生活.In this luxury resort, you can live like a king.

爱上奢华,爱上爱醇葡萄酒。If you love the "dolce vita", you love Amore Wine.