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它烧着黄铜叮叮当当的响。It is noisy burning clanging brass.

那白人轻轻一笑,把口袋里的硬币弄得叮叮当当直响。The white man laughed softly, jingled some coins in his pocket.

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在这个帐篷里面,几十个年轻士兵一边吃着东西,一边聊着天,刀具发出叮叮当当的声音。Inside, dozens of young soldiers ate, talked, and clanged their cutlery.

哈利侧耳细听。前面似乎传来了轻轻的沙沙声和叮叮当当的声音。Harry listened. A soft rustling and clinking seemed to be coming from up ahead.

爱是两人共享一屋静谧,或共创一屋叮叮当当的声音。Love is to share a house of tranquility, or make it full of jingles and tinkles.

雨点把排气管敲得叮叮当当,把院子顶棚打得噼噼啪啪。Raindrops click jingly on the vent-pipes, beating cracklingly the roof of the yard.

叮叮当当的钢琴声终于停止,和声学会的朋友们抱着枕头睡觉了。The jingling piano at last is silent, and the Harmonic friends rally round their pillows.

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叮叮当当的钢琴声终于停止,和声学会的朋友们抱著枕头睡觉了。The jingling piano at last is silent, and the harmonic friends rally round their pillows.

一枚刚刚出炉的银先令高兴地喊,因为高兴他发出叮叮当当的声音。Silver Shilling that was just made a moment ago shouted for joy tinkling and jingling herself.

他是个戴着金项圈的奴隶,而每走一步,上面挂着的小铃铛就叮叮当当欢快地饷个不停。He was a slave in a golden collar with little bells that tinkled cheerfully with every step he took.

“是我,”一个叮叮当当的声音回答道,“我是小'新年',我承诺给每个人带来祝福。"I am, " replied a tinkling voice. "I am the little 'New Year', and I've promised to bring a blessing to everyone.

每当头马这样叮叮当当一摇晃,那旅客便要吓一跳,正如一切神经紧张的旅人一样,总有些心惊胆战。Whenever the leader made this rattle, the passenger started, as a nervous passenger might, and was disturbed in mind.

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坐了一会儿,她只听见,忽然间有辆车子开来……一辆雪橇驶近了,铃铛和铃鼓发出叮叮当当的响声,她听见有个人走来。She sat a little while, and all of a sudden she hears some one coming—a sledge with bells driving up. She hears him coming.

公元460年,叮叮当当的铁锤敲凿声,响彻在山西大同武周山南麓的山崖间。In 460, the Wuzhou mountain valley in Datong, Shanxi Province, wasreverberating with the sound of iron hammers beating rocks.

我就是那样,让卷曲的白发遮住我的双眼,任卷曲的白胡子拨弄我的鼻子,由着装饰着铃铛的帽子叮叮当当。So there I was, curly white hair obscuring my eyes, curly white beard tinkling my nose, jingle-bell-bedecked hat jingle-jangling.

“下次,别象在考雷的窗外那样开始,”道尔说,他走过去,袋里的瓶子叮叮当当响起来。"Next time, don't start something like that right outside Cowley's window, " said Doyle, as he walked past, bottles clinking in a bag.

马车叮叮当当走掉了,让马丁留在那里猜想着他手里摸着的这个皱巴巴的纸团是什么意思。The bell clanged and the car pulled out, leaving Martin wondering as to the nature of the crinkly , greasy wad he clutched in his hand.

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让我们听从于叮叮当当的钟表,简直就把我们当成了活生生的机器。Even well-paid workers sensed their decline in status. obedience to the ding-dong of the bell-just as though we are so many living machines.

他不情愿地满足了杂货商的要求,还清了他的债,找回了一口袋叮叮当当的硬币。Reluctantly Martin yielded to the claims of the grocer, paying his bill with him in full, and receiving in change a pocketful of jingling coin.

山上的草坝黄了,山下的树叶落了,遥远的天山,要很久才能迎来叮叮当当的羊角花,那时候我要亲手采一朵赠佳人。Grass on the hill of Yellow Mountain, tree leaves, the distant mountains, take long time to usher in a tinkling claw flower, that's when I try to pick one for beauty.