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我没有什么鲜明的态度I don't have a strong view.

第五,鲜明的人民性。Fifth is vivid of the people.

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他对种族问题的观点很鲜明。He holds strong views on race.

我向来观点鲜明。I'm a man of pronounced views.

这种信念对我们来说并不生动鲜明。The belief's not vivid for us.

一个鲜明的选择,在第一绯红。A stark choice, at first blush.

谁是最鲜明的例外?Who comes to mind most vividly?

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黑与白形成鲜明的对比。Black contrasts sharply with white.

王禹偁的诗歌,艺术特色鲜明。Wang Yucheng's poem is distinctive.

主旨鲜明。The main purpose is fresh and bright.

此操作提供一些鲜明的色彩。This one provides some vibrant colors.

黑色与亮色对比鲜明。Black contrasts well with bright colors.

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这确保你的橡皮擦有个轮廓鲜明的边线。Thisensures your eraser has a hard edge.

安息。多么伟大的一生,多么鲜明的榜样!!RIP LKY. What a life, what an example ! !

她在古巴问题上的鲜明观点人人皆知。She is known to hold strong views on Cuba.

宁波名菜具有鲜明的特色。Ningbo famous dishes have distinct features.

深色、鲜明的红橙色叫赤土色。Dark, distinctive red color orange is Smilax.

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黑色的头发与白皙的皮肤形成鲜明对比。Black hair is a sharp contrast to a fair skin.

杰里,米勒是一个观点鲜明,态度强硬的政治家。Jerry miller was a politician with strong views.

黑发白肤形成鲜明的对照。Black hair is a sharp contrast to the white skin.