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使用印第安语,包括十几个语族。Use Indian language, including dozen puxi.

英语、荷兰语、德语是同语族的语言。English, Dutch and German are cognate languages.

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属于阿尔泰语系满-通古斯语族。The Hezhe language belongs to the Altaic phylum.

突厥、回鹘语言属阿尔泰语系突厥语族。Turk, the Uighur language of the Altai language Turkic languages.

突厥语族群所信仰的佛教主要是由内地传入的。Buddhism believed by Turki is mainly introduced from China mainland.

哥德语是一种由哥德人所使用的,已灭亡的日耳曼语族语言。Gothic is an extinct Germanic language that was spoken by the Goths.

冰岛语,北日耳曼语族语言,也是冰岛主要语言。Icelandic, a North Germanic language, is the main language of Iceland.

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帕什图族群与乌尔都语族群矛盾一直不断。Pache Figure ethnic groups and ethnic conflicts have continued in Urdu.

英语族这一概念的出现反映了当今英语的变化。The concept of "Englishes" shows that English is no longer what it used to be.

使用乌孜别克语,属阿尔泰语系突厥语族西匈奴语支。The use of Uzbek language belongs to Altaic Turkic language branch, West Huns.

岱侬喃字体现了境外壮侗语族人民在发展民族文字方面所作的努力。The Chu' Nom words show Zhuang and Dong people's effort in developing national words.

盖尔语凯尔特语族的一支,包括爱尔兰盖尔语,苏格兰盖尔语和。A branch of the Celtic languages that includes Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx.

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是的,我同意,如今学者中对阿尔泰语族有很大的争论。Yes, I agree. There is a huge debate among scholars about the Altaic group of languages.

是的,我同意,现在学者中对阿尔泰语族有很大的争论。Yes, I agree. There is a huge debate among scholars about the Altaic group of languages.

藏族语言属汉藏语系藏缅语族藏语支。Tibetan language belong to Sino-Tibetan Language Family, Tibeten-Myanmar Language branch.

中国通古斯语族民族的萨满教特点及其文化价值是本文探讨的主题。The paper mainly talks about the features of the Tungusic shamanism and its culture value.

汉藏各语族的原始词汇中都包含着自身特有的指称“狗”的词语。The prime glossary of every Sino-Tibetan language family had its own word indicating dogs.

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这些是印欧语系分支,以下是各个语族的简介。These are the branches of the Indo-European family tree, and we shall look briefly at each.

国语为塔吉克语,属印欧语系伊朗语族,与波斯语相近。Mandarin for the Tajik, the Indo-European family of the Iranian language, and Persian similar.

他们的语言是库尔德语,属于印欧语系伊朗语族。They speak the Kurdish language, which is a member of the Iranian branch of Indo-European languages.