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我在鹅卵石上呀呀学语。I babble on the pebble.

这儿没有人带头盔,自行车胎在湿滑的鹅卵石路面上抓地力很好。No one wears helmets here.

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一块鹅卵石进入了他的鞋里。A pebble lodged in his shoes.

所以新鹅卵石的选用。So the select and use of peddles.

这条路是由鹅卵石铺成的。The mad waspaved with cobblestones.

那条路是用鹅卵石铺成的。The road was paved with cobblestones.

杰克不安的把脚趾在地上的鹅卵石上来回蹭着。Jack toed at a pebble on the pavement.

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因为原墙上的鹅卵石。Because the peddles in the original walls.

它看起来就像一块巨大的灰色鹅卵石,带着劈过的痕迹。It looks like a large, chipped grey cobble.

鹅卵石皮革黑角斗士凉鞋。Pebbled leather gladiator sandals in black.

巴黎的鹅卵石可谓见多识广。The cobblestones of Paris have seen some things.

整个别墅的外墙全都是由鹅卵石粉筑的。The outer wall of the villa is built by peddles.

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科特雷尔穿过铺着鹅卵石的院子大步走出来。Cottrell strode out across the cobbled courtyard.

形状各异的鹅卵石在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光。Shapes of the cobblestone glinted in the sunlight.

小溪的生命总是和鹅卵石相映成趣。Stream of life always gain by contrast and pebbles.

但是采凿下来的鹅卵石是远远不够的。But the peddles collected from walls was not enough.

赞助人经过一条铺着鹅卵石的小路。The patron came down a path paved with cobblestones.

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鹅卵石路上撒满温热的石头碎片。The warm stones strewed their flakes upon the cobble.

而孩子们将鹅卵石拾起又抛散。While children gather pebbles And scatter them again.

无论是取出一块鹅卵石,折弯一片草叶,还是移动一份文件。A pebble dislodged, a blade of grass bent, a file moved.