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关键在乎你的觉悟。Awareness is the key to becoming present.

这样可以提升他们对单词的觉悟。This will raise their awareness of words.

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如果你瞭解了这样的佛性,那就叫觉悟了。If you know this Buddha, it is called awake.

就这样,他觉悟大大提高。Along the way, he has his consciousness raised.

无论这些团体我恳求你-觉悟的时候了!To both of these groups I beseech you — wake up!

查拉图斯特拉变成了一个孩子,一个觉悟者。Zarathustra has become a child, an awakened one.

杰米一觉悟来,发现赛琳不在本人的身边。Jamie a consciousness to find SaiLin not in my side.

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悉达多成为一个完全觉悟的人――佛。Siddhartha became a fully awakened being – a Buddha.

当佛祖觉悟成道时,那是二千六百多年前的事。Then when Buddha became enlightened it was 2600 years ago.

我们希望她能觉悟过来,改正错误。We hope she'll come to her senses and correct her mistakes.

“你的觉悟将会对抵制全球变暖尽一份力”。Your awareness adds to the whole anti-global warming endeavor.

这个觉悟推动了我的目标,我这个选择的目标是什么呢?This epiphany fueled my mission. What was my mission of choice?

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但是科学家却没有时间来提高自身的觉悟。But scientists don't really have the time to promote themselves.

摧破惑障觉悟无明。忽入佛家恣领法财。They will enter a Buddhist's home and receive the Dharma wealth.

这是我们希望传达的更高境界的觉悟。This is the heightened state of awareness we hope to communicate.

Nyana翻译为觉悟、真实看见及真实了解。Nyana translates as realizing, really seeing, truly understanding.

觉悟人生性空见,长天万里哪东西?Consciousness naturally see the sky, people empty the which things?

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企业需要觉悟,看到市场正在讥笑他们的短视。Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.

通过提高他的革命觉悟,他们使他转变过来。They brought him around by arousing his revolutionary consciousness.

这类人,在20,000劫后,就会达到完全的觉悟。This person, after 20,000 kalpas, attains unsurpassed Enlightenment.