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在渔猎解禁期,渔民们可捕到很多鱼。In an open season the fishermen can land many fish.

当选后,他也把酒精饮品的解禁当做了第一要务。He made it his number-one priority when he was in office.

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这种新气象,并非因为解禁股流通徒有虚名。This new atmosphere is not lifted shares in circulation as illusory.

他今天称照片的解禁可能激起反美的情绪。He said today that their release could have inflamed anti-American opinion.

此外,Digg还将解禁以前被屏蔽的域名。In addition to killing the DiggBar, Digg will also unban all previously banned domains.

至此,中海海盛所有有限售条件股份均已解禁。At this point, all sung in sea conditions limited the sale of the shares have been lifted.

此役,西索科解禁复出,但他再次领到了一张黄牌。This service, Xisuoke lifts a ban resurfaces , but he has received a yellow card once more.

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我国传播市场解禁已初见端倪,国际传播大鳄有备而来。For the international media conglomerates, the door into China's media market has been open.

关于解禁的问题,李肇星外长重申了中方的一贯立场和看法。With respect to the arms embargo, Foreign Minster Li reiterated China's consistent position.

上轮因黄牌停赛,李毅本轮可谓解禁复出。Because previous round the yellow card stops play, the Li Yi epicycle lifts a ban resurfaces.

本文首先对限售股解禁的价格压力进行理论探讨。Firstly, this paper analyzes the price pressure from the circulation of restricted stock by theories.

研究限售股解禁对投资者行为的影响对于证券市场的稳定意义重大。The research on the behaviors of investors contributes significantly to the stableness of the stocks market.

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后来我花了两小时给客服打了无数电话,才终于把银行卡解禁,总算可以去买午饭了。Two hours and endless calls to customer services later, my card is unblocked and I can head off to buy lunch.

引起争议的只是这本书刚刚被解禁这两只企鹅的真实生活也被分开了。Only adding to the controversy is that shortly after the book was released the two real-life penguins split up.

希望伊朗短信解禁是沟通渠道恢复正常的标志。Hopefully, the unblocking of text messaging in Iran is a sign that communication channels are returning to normal.

极高的燃油价格及疲软的全球经济信心可能会抵消两岸解禁所带来的好处。Sky-high fuel prices and weak global economic sentiment are likely to offset gains from cross-Strait deregulation.

在将保留款项解禁用于支付之前,所有的结算问题都已经得到解决,留置权已经解除。All billing issues are resolved and a release of liens is obtained before retention amounts are released for payment.

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由于大多数平民百姓依旧贫困,缅甸的领导人或许已经决定尝试用自由化换取制裁解禁。With most ordinary people still poor, Myanmar's leaders may have decided to liberalise to try to get sanctions lifted.

然而,大部分的人—甚至大部分的历史学家—都不知道他收欢迎的原因正是他对酒的解禁。However, most people —even most historians —do not know that the reason for his popularity was the repeal of Prohibition.

业内人士普遍认为,海通证券、中国南车解禁股上市对股价造成的压力较大,交行则相对较小。Insiders commonly consider that Haitong and CSR will bring big pressure to the market compared with Bank of Communication.